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Five Hargreeves x Reader
Description: five is sick...

his body and age are the same OK. 25.


"(y/n)! (Y/N)! PLeAse gEt mE sOmE kLEeNeX wIpEs" Five coughed out in bed. The man had caught a fever whilst running in the snow like the absolute nonce he is and had decided it was in his best interest to bother you in your tiny apartment. He had flashed in, god knows at what time crying because of a tiny flu he had caught from not properly covering up whilst he was out.

"They're on the bedside table Five, I know you can reach it." You spoke flatly, continuing making him the chicken soup he begged you to make. The soup was almost done, at least another 5 minutes until the chicken would be able to fall off the bone ans the aroma of the broth would set in.

"Is the chicken soup done?" He questioned, or more like whimpered stuffing himself in your bed with two of your fuzzy blankets and your favourite winter socks.

"Give me a minute and I'll put it in for you."


You rest next to five, his head on your chest, listening to you bicker and rant on about him as you soothingly stroked his hair lulling him to sleep. he nod his head every once in a while before coming to the end of your mini rant.

"I told you you'd get a cold, and what did you do? not listen to me. this, this is karma for not listening to me." You ranted on.

"I don't like it when you're sick Five. You need to start taking better care of yourself. I might as well ask you to move in if your incapable of doing so. Please, Five, start caring for your health. If not for you, do it for me. I don't want to worry about you all the time." you finished by pecking his forehead.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I know I shouldn't burden you like this but, but... I can't help it. I get so excited that I forget I even have these abilities and I end up running to your apartment to see you in just my pyjamas with flip flops. All that matters to me right now and for the rest of my life is you, but I will remember to dress wisely." He finished with a chuckle kissing your breast before snuggling into you more, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Lets sleep, that soup was so good it made me sleepy."

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