stress relief

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For x101101x  aka angel cakes ❤️😤😎

Five Hargreeves X reader

Age: 16


You've been cooped up in your room revising and stressing for the up and coming exams you have at school. Five notices and wants to relieve that stress, even if it is just by a bit.


"I can't do this. I'm just gonna fail and be a stripper." You throw your textbook across your room before pounding towards your bed from where you sat on your desk. You immediately face plant into your pillows and begin to scream.

"A stripper? Really babe?" Five appears sitting on your desk chair his head placed on his hand that was on the back of the chair.

"What do you want ya dingus." You groan through the pillows.

"Heard a thud and a screaming baboon noise so I decided to check it out. Turns out its just you wanting to be a stripper. Why so angry?" Five walks towards you sitting on the end of your bed cross legged.

I'm not angry. I'm stressed." You pout sitting up facing Five in the same cross legged position.He laughs at your expression before standing to pick up the textbook you threw.

"Exams?" He questions raising his brow. You nod at him still pouting as he chuckles and sits back onto the bed before flipping through the annotated pages.

"You've been in here all day doing this?"

"Yes! And I can't even remember anything! I'm gonna fail so bad!" You begin to stress even more throwing your head back into your pillows.

"Stop moping around, why don't I help you?" Five tilts his head as he taps at your thigh signalling you to sit up once again.

You listen, sitting up and looking at him.

"Do you even know anything about social science?" You question him crossing your arms as he flips through the book a few more times.

"No, but I can quiz you if you want?" He replies stopping at the beginning of the text book.

"How many chapters do you have to go through?"

"3 to 14."


"Hey, what's in it for me if I get the answer right?" You begin rapidly questioning him as he pauses to think.

"A surprise."

"Alright then. After every 10 questions I get right, I get this 'surprise'." You nod your head.

"Alright, first question."


"C'mon angel cakes! You've only been trying for 20 minutes! Plus one more answer and you'll get the surprise!" Five enthuses as he holds onto your shoulders shaking them as he laughs.

"Alright alright stop shaking me you psycho!" you giggle fixing yourself up.

"State any two goals of development other than income." Five shot the question out lifting his eyes from the book as he looked at your thinking face.

"Uhhhhh.... respect and................ se-curity?" You answer still questionable if it is right or not.

Five looks at you with a grin slamming the book closed as he leans towards you.

"Time for your surprise." He mumbles before closing the gap between the both of you. He grazes his lips on your before they mould together, moving in sync as time went on.

Your hands trail towards his shoulders whilst his are stuck behind your head. The heat in your stomachs intensified the burning desire to touch so overwhelming that you both pulled away before it was too late.


"Yeah... wow."

"If that's the surprise all the time I think I'll remember everything by the end of the book."


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