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The academy are a rock band and are performing for 40,000 people. This is a crack one-shot.


"Here for one night! The Umbrella Academy performing their hit single 'Our blossoming plastic love'!" The speaker announces as the crowd roars in cheers. Five is the first to raise up from the stage waving at the crowd. The girls swooned and screamed his name as he greeted the continuously. They began throwing letters, toys and even bra's at him.

"Alright! Is everyone ready for us!" He yelled into the mic gripping his kazoo, blowing into it making the crowd . The rest of the members had rose up, Luther on percussion, Diego on bass, Allison as lead singer, Klaus as Lead dancer, Ben on quadruple electric keyboard and lastly Vanya playing the violin. The crowds cheers turned even more maniacal as the group joined together and waved at them.

"We are the umbrella academy!" Klaus leaped around the stage touching hands with some of the fans as they stretched their arms out as far as they could. The rest of the group smiled at klaus's antics as he began falsely pulling up the claim of riding the wave.

"Alright! Lets get this thing rolling then!" Klaus screams happily going into position as the rest of the group roll their eyes at him.

"ONE TWO THREE, HIT IT!" Allison shouts into the mic tapping her foot to the beat of the drums Luther started to play.


Five runs towards Allison dropping his kazoo as he grabs the mic off from the stand.

My love for you is like the most luscious roses,
Your face reminds me of a flawless vixen, ready to be mine.
Together, we are like peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches, a concoction for love.

Five sang with the crowd as they began to sway their arms. Klaus's dance awed the concert goers as well as the rest of the band with Ben having a very hard time to not whip him with one of his tentacles as he floated by swinging his arms. Luther began to laugh as well as Vanya as they saw him do the split and then roll.

Oh darling Delores,
My pale ass roses,
My Flawless buttercup,
The perfect companion to my peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich soul.

your favourite colour is red,
My eyes are blue,
I like sunsets,
But not as much as I love solving scientific anomalies with you!

Oh darling Delores,
Your legs are like not here but if they were they'd be the best in booty shorts on a spring day,
You're like the most smart queen to ever walk Canada

Your Flawless face,
Your pasty mayonnaise soulless body,
Your non existent legs,
You smart queen.

How could I look at another mannequin when I have you by my side!

Delores waved her arms in the crowd looking at five as he belted out more of the lyrics tears running down her pale plastic face. 

"It's a beautiful song... I love you five!" She hollered out. Five scoped the crowd searching for his pale ass Delores and when he finally did, he winked at her causing her to topple over not being able to get up because of her non existent legs.

Allison quickly snatches the mic from Five pushing him over into the crowd as she finished the last lines before quickly packing the show up. 

"WE ARE THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY! GOODNIGHT VANCOUVER!" They all yell in unison waving their arms and forgetting about how Allison practically yeeted Five off stage and into a horde of hormonal 15 year old girls. (No offence don't report my ass)

"Do you think Five'll be here soon? I wanna get some waffles with Ben Diego and Klaus ask looking at the clock on the wall.

"Probably not, you know Delores, once she finds him theres no letting go, plus I'm starving too so we should all go." Vanya and Luther agree with Allison ans they all head towards the tour bus and head off.

Atleast 30 seconds went by after they had left the venue and Five had arrived with marks all over his body, torn uniform and kisses of all colours on his face. His panting calms slowly as he regains himself only to see the bus gone.



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A/n that was really bad.

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