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Klaus Hargreeves X Reader Ft. Five the annoying shithead.

Five has not gone to the future in this Oneshot and all the hargreeves children are still at the academy.


At 17, You and Klaus have snuck out to Griddy's donuts past curfew, You both have the time of your life with klaus telling you stories to make you laugh and joking around until you both get sleepy.


"Shh! We might get caught!" Klaus whispered as he stood by the wall. 

"Oh shut it, I'm invisible! Ol' daddy won't know anything. You swish around the halls.

"You know I'm fucking high right now. I can't even sit properly without falling off my bed." He rolls his eyes.

"Just because I'm invisible doesn't mean I can't see what your doing Klausy." You chuckle before running past the other kids rooms. Klaus warily steps through the halls trying not to get caught at any point before reaching the back door of the academy. 

"I told you it'll be easy!" You show yourself and skip outside the gates with Klaus hot on your tail. He mumbles incoherently, most likely cursing at you for using your powers at an advantage at this very moment.

"Griddys?" You turn from your skipping in the streets to look at Klaus who nods his head. "Where else?" He replies with a chuckle before running to wrap his arms with yours and hold your hand.


"Hey Agnes!" You chime walking into the greasy spoon with Klaus. He smiles at her as she replies. "Hey kids, back for your usual's?" She questions with a smile as you both nod and sit down. She leaves, heading towards the kitchen as you and Klaus start your new conversations.

"Hey you know I've been getting these weird dreams lately. It's always in a dimly lit room filled with steam, pretty hot but I'm always fucking naked with a girl and I always end up with a boner." Klaus complains as he scratches the back of his head.

"That my boy is a wet dream." Another voice chimes in.

"Oh fu-" Klaus doesn't finish his sentence as Agnes enters once again this time with 3 pink sprinkle donuts. She hands them out to you Klaus and Five before once again leaving towards the kitchen for god knows what.

"Shit Five when did you get here?" You look at him raising your brows as he smirks knowingly, biting his donut.

"Long enough to know that Klaus has wet dreams about you." He wiggles his brows at the two of you. Before you gasp and throw a spoon at him he gives a quick salute and leaves the two of you with his spacial jumps.

"DickHEAD." You rant out as Klaus just looks at you and chuckles.

"He isn't wrong you know. You feature in some of these dreams." He grins at you as you laugh or more like snort being the fact you were chewing on your donut. 

"Oh be quiet Klausy." You push him and he almost falls over across the stool.

"You forgot I'm high as heaven I could have died with the impact of your push. DEMoN!" He shakes his hands and arms all around him.

You both continue to chat until its a little past midnight. "Aghk! I ALMOST CHOKED!" Klaus screeches as he spits out the last bit of donut.

"Choke on this dick." You mumble out comically making yourself laugh out loud.

"WHat whAT Is It?" Klaus taps at your arm as you bid your goodbyes to Agnes from across the table.


"Back so soon? I thought you guy's would have fucked already?" Five chimes as you both head towards Klaus' bedroom.

"Fuck off will you five. Horny bastard." You mutter the last part which Klaus hears and chuckles to before flipping Five off as you both enter his room.

"Clothes?" Klaus asks as you grin and pull out your T-shirt and shorts. "I've come prepared." You wink before heading towards the connected toilet to change. When you come out, you look at Klaus on the bed with his bright blue pyjamas and a lazy grin. He extends his arms for you before speaking. "Cuddles?" 

You giggle at his behaviour before heading towards him into his embrace. He falls back making you lay on top of him both your chests mushed against each other.

"You know I love you right?" He turns becoming the big spoon in the cuddle. You nod in acknowledgement as you face him, his breath fanning your face. "Eugh your breath stinks like weed."  You scrunch your nose making him chuckle for the 50th time this night.

"I have mints two seconds." He releases you before grabbing a box from his bedside table. Popping a tab in his mouth he crunches it until it's all gone or dissolved with his saliva.

"Better?" He hugs you once again before covering you both as the door opens slightly. You turn invisible as Klaus pretends to sleep. You silently giggle at his sleeping face, Mom's head peaking through the door and turning of the main light only to leave the lamp shade on. She closes the door within seconds and you reappear as the dim lights softly illuminate your face. 

"You know this was the type of lighting for those dreams I was telling you. Those 'wet' dreams as Five says." Klaus looks at you with half lids before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on your lips. You reply to his kiss, kissing him back and stroking his cheek before pulling apart and smiling like the devil.

"I think that's enough for now don't you think Klausy, wouldn't want to end up like Allison and Luther." You wink before turning and grabbing one of his arms to place around you. 

"Tsk, for now." Klaus clicks his tongue smiling at himself before closing his eyes.

"Night love." He whispers cuddling into your neck.

"Night Klaus." You reply back equally sensually before closing your own eyes to sleep.

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Authors notes:

I tried making it as gender ambiguous as possible but I really don't know how it ended up cause my English is absolute crap. I'd like to take some criticisms to my works before I can really re-edit them so please, don't think i'd take anything to offence.

p.s I take requests :) 

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