Chapter 3

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"Help you with what?"

"My bank account. My mother wired me some money but I don't know how to cash them. They say I have to fill in some papers. And it has lots of hard korean words."

Jiwoo stared at him. "Don't you ask your teachers for something like this? Or like a guardian or something? Usually the bank clerks will guide you how to fill the papers, too."

"You look like an adult to me and you feel like a... friend." Yuta immediately avoided her eyes and looked down. "That's why I asked you."

"Look. If you ask me for help once, then you will have to rely on me, you can never do it by yourself one day. You have to do it by yourself, since you live alone here."

He understood her argument and nodded.

She pitied him for a short moment, especially knowing that he was bullied at school. "Fine, I'll help you..." He lifted his head and looked at her enthusiastically. " fill the papers. Go to the bank and bring two copies of each papers."

"Two copies?"

"One for you to practise and will work as your example for latter fund withdrawal, the other one is to be submitted."

"Fund withdrawal...?"

"It means to cash out your wired money."

"Okay, I'll do it."


"You'll always be here every night, right?" He asked.

"I guess it happens to be that way."

Jiwoo stared at his school blazer. The blazer her brother hated and claimed to be suffocating, but somehow looked fine on Yuta.

"Aren't you afraid going home alone at night?" He asked after jotting down some notes on his notebook.

"Why would I? It's not like I could see ghosts."


(The next day)

Wonwoo crashed on the sofa as soon as he entered the flat. He had been hearing noisy voiced from upstairs.

"Noona, why is it so noisy upstairs?"

"I heard there's going to be a new tenant and they asked for some renovations, something like that."

"Ugh, it's so noisy, why at night, though??"

"It's been like that for a week, you just don't notice them since you barely got home sober." Jiwoo brought the yogurt into her room.

"Yah! How can you eat yogurt in your bedroom? They will spill and make ants line up to have that!" He quickly ran to her sister before she shut the door. He grabbed her wrist.

"It's my place, I can have it whatever I want." She pried Wonwoo's hand from her wrist.

"Tck. Fine! Whatever." He walked toward the kitchen as Jiwoo shut her door. "I don't get why you always eat healthily everyday and yet you smoke as you inhale!" He yelled.

"You know I can hear you, stop yelling!"

He sipped his water and slammed the glass. "The renovation upstairs is louder anyway! I can yell my heart out!"


(The following day)

Jiwoo completely forgot that she agreed to help Yuta with the forms. After her 8 pm class was over around 10, she walked as fast as she could.

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