Chapter 7

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Weekend came and that worried Yuta. He wondered if he could even see Jiwoo at the usual minimart. She recently hadn't been coming on weekends, made him wondered if she went dating or blind-dating.

"How about this one?" Taeyong's voice broke his imagination. They were out together to the bookshop.


"This one." His friend showed a notebook. He did say he was looking for a new notebook to write lyrics and stuffs in it. "Is this one okay?"

Yuta stared weirdly at Taeyong. "Why do I need to have a say on your notebook? It's not mine anyway..."

"But you're my friend and my future bandmate, you will have to see the notebook for the rest of your life."

"You're creepy."

"So this one okay?" Taeyong kept his priority straight and showed Yuta the neon green notebook.

"Just...pick whatever and be done. I'm hungry. Didn't you say the ramen deal is on 3 pm? It's 2:35 now." He checked his watch.

"Ah, right! The 1+1 ramen deal!" Taeyong walked toward the cashier and Yuta followed him. On his way, he spotted an acquaintance. "Jiwoo-ssem?"

The name even made Yuta turned his head.

"It's Jiwoo-ssem, alright." Taeyong flashed a smile at her. He immediately pulled Yuta next to him. "Look, we're best friends now."

"What does it have to do with her?" Yuta whispered.

Jiwoo closed the book she was browsing and nodded in agreement. She also took a glance at Yuta, especially when he still had cuts and bruises from last time. "Nice to hear that."

"She asked me to befriend you so you're not lonely at school." Taeyong explained.

Yuta's eyes widened at that.

"And now we're best friends. We're practically together everywhere, like a couple hehe."

It was as if Taeyong was talking to himself. Both Jiwoo and Yuta just stared at each other in silence.

"Ah! The ramen deal! Let's go! Jiwoo-ssem, see you again!" Taeyong pulled Yuta away, who was still staring at Jiwoo.

Jiwoo smiled at him.

The boys made it into the last order of the ramen deal. If it wasn't for the puppy eyes Taeyong made since they were 10 minutes late.

Whistling cheerfully, Taeyong prepared the chopsticks and the condiments on the table. Yuta was still fazed. "Lee Taeyong." He called.

"Hm?" He was still whistling, all excited to eat.

"Who's the girl earlier? How do you know her?"

"Eyy, don't 'girl' her. She's Jiwoo-ssem, she teaches math at my hakwon. The one me and Youngho enroll."

Yuta acquired another fact about her. He never dared to ask what did she do for a living, but now that knowing she was a teacher, he felt somewhat proud.

"But, Yuta... About Jiwoo-ssem... I thought you two knew each other...?"


"She asked me about you that night at the minimart. She seemed like she knew about you're being bullied at school." The ramen bowls interrupted his words for a few moment. When the waiter left, he continued. "She also asked me to be your friend.... though it takes an extra math class for me."

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