Chapter 12

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The sunset painted the school field orange as the soccer club students finished their practice. Yuta wiped the sweats on his face using his jersey's sleeve. The coach approached him and nervous filled his face.

"You're better than I thought. I wish you had joined our club sooner, we could have won last year's tournament." Coach Han complimented Yuta while scribbling something on his arm board. "Your skills are on higher levels than the others. Do you mind if you have extra minutes of practice for the others?"

"Sure. I'd be happy to help." Yuta smiled.

"Great. Then I will have you as our school's captain by the next tournament if their skills are getting better. I will also help you in the league, in case you might want to be a professional player."

Yuta's eyes were enlarged and the pink-orange sunset immediately filled his irises. "Thank you very much. I will do my best!"

"Okay, everyone. You may go home now." The coach exclaimed as the students exhaled in relief.

At the convenience store, Yuta was wandering around to buy something to quench his thirst. He was supposed to meet Taeyong but his friend bailed on their plan to meet that drummer guy. After he told him about Ojigu's approval, Taeyong just went overboard, like he would never run out of energy despite his lethargic looking.

"What should I have..." While he was busy choosing, someone knocked on the glass window.

Jiwoo waved her hand.

He smiled and waved back. "Want something to drink? I'm buying."

"What?" She couldn't hear him.

"Drink." Yuta mimicked a drinking gesture.

"Yah! Don't you dare!" She thought he was implying to alcohol-related drinking.

He was surprised at first but then burst into laugh. She must had meant he asked her to drink. The drink drink. She was too, confused why he laughed. He waved his hand noting her to forget about it and took two carts of banana milk.

Jiwoo waited outside the minimart. As soon as she spotted Yuta, her eyes just followed him.

"Here." He handed her the banana milk. "I didn't take the straw, so if you want to-"

"I know. Save the turtles, right?" She opened the top lid of the banana milk and had a sip.

He just smiled at her. "Save the turtles? Really??"

"Hm? I thought you didn't take the straws because of that? Then-"

"Yeah, yeah. Just take it that way." He took a seat in front of the minimart. "But why are you in this neighbourhood?"

She joined him. "Ah... hm, I was sending some reports to the hakwon's branch in this area. And I still have free time until my 8 pm class, so I wandered around trying to find a nice place to eat."

"Have you found it, then?"

"Nope. Not that hungry, too. Later." She finished her milk. Her eyes followed his big black duffel bag and his sports attire. "Soccer club?"

"Yeah. I got promoted as a captain."

"That's nice to hear, then. You should treat me." She meant it as a joke.

"I have." Yuta pointed at the banana milk with his eyes then looked at her.

The two then laughed together.

"So... the gang didn't jump you anymore?" Jiwoo asked, lighting her cigarette.

"It's quite peaceful at school that I find it eerie. Like a calm before the storm. But that's probably just my stupid hunch, so..."

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