Chapter 20

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Wonwoo tucked the blanket over Jiwoo's shoulder. Both Yuta and him decided to let her stay the night in case Daesan-go boys were still looking for her.

He studied the red marks around her neck when she slept on her side on the sofa.

"Jo Kijoon." He mumbled, knowing that Jo Kijoon was the only one who would hurt girls.

She moved restlessly and he found her father's lighter was in her hand. By looking at her veins on her wrist, he knew she was having a bad dream and gripped on the lighter tightly.

Wonwoo stood up. He went to the kitchen, where Yuta was trying to do his homework. But he ended up playing mobile games instead.

"Is she asleep?" Yuta noticed Wonwoo.

"Hm." He had a glass of water. 


"What?" Yuta won the game and looked up to Wonwoo.

"Can you watch her for tonight. I have somewhere to go." Wonwoo went to get his jacket.

"What are you going to do? It's 2:30 in the morning, we have school too."

He patted on Yuta's shoulder. "You go to school. I can't. Nobody needs me anyway."

"She needs you."

Wonwoo stopped as he heard that.

"I just don't want you to realise that a little too late, that's all."

Wonwoo put on his shoes and unlocked the front door. Yuta sighed as he stared at the now-shut front door.

Walking through the dark alleys, he sighed.

'You need Jeon Wonwoo. Not a loser like me.'

The orange light touched the graveyard as the sun rose. Wonwoo had a few twigs of carnation in his hand and walked slowly to find a name.

He stopped at one grave. He was quite surprised to see another flowers on it.

'Ok Jae In'. The name on the grave.

He squatted in front of the grey stone and placed the carnation among other flowers.

"If you could hear me now, would you care to listen?"

He sighed.

"If I did save you that day instead of the little kids, would it make any different now? Would I not... would I not be who I am now?"

His questions were only replied by the sound of the wind.

"Ahjumma... where did you take me from? Did you even know who my real parents were- or are? If they're still alive somewhere...

"If you could see me now, would you be able to tell if it's me, Hyunwoo? Or you're just going to believe I'm Wonwoo?"

A hint of tear left his eyes.

"I feel all alone right now. Please answer me."

Jiwoo was on her way to her flat building when she found a girl stood in front if the main front door. She had a small piece of paper in her hand, looked like an address was written on it.

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