Chapter 13

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Ojigu got crowded when Taeyong and Yuta came. They brought their own equipment into the empty studio Inhae had prepared for them.

"Is this all?" Taeyong asked.

"Youngho said he'd help bringing the amplifier."

"He did?? Since when he can be this reliable..."

The third guy came into Ojigu with nothing but a pair of drumsticks in his hand. "Sunbae."

"Oh, Jaehyun-ah. Just call us two with 'hyung'." Taeyong wondered where his instruments were. "Your drum? Or we should just borrow-"

"No, they're on their way here. I ordered a delivery service."

Yuta raised his eyebrows at Taeyong. "Not bad. We should've joined."

"Is there more to be picked up, because I can book a service for you, hyung."

"Youngho is coming here with the ampl-" Yuta got elbowed by Taeyong.

"Sure. We have to get the amplifiers from my place. Do you think you can do that? Wait, is it expensive?"

"I don't know. I get it for free since the company works for my father's." Jaehyun handed his phone to Taeyong. "Here, enter your address and all."

"Assaa~" Taeyong then got busy ordering.

Inhae entered the studio, checking at the group. "You guys okay with the studio?"

"Yes, we do." Yuta replied.

"But I think it's a bit small-" Jaehyun was elbowed by Yuta and nodded.

"The other band is still practicing across the room. When they're done, I want you guys to join us in the common room, okay?" The glasses guy said. He then tapped Jaehyun's shoulder. "I think your instruments are here, but the truck is quite big so they can't reach this place. Let's help them."


Yuta stared at the door of the studio across theirs as he moved his equipment.


Wonwoo sat across Jaehyun in the common room. Taeyong kept bugging Yuta that he somehow looked familiar. The other band's members sat quietly, engrossed with their phones.

Inhae then entered the room with documents in his hand and a cup of coffee in the other one.

"So, we all here?" He took a glance at Taeyong's crew. "You said it's going to be a four-member band if I'm not mistaken?"

"Y-yez, daepyonim, but I'm still looking for-"

"Please," He cut Taeyong, "just call me Inhae-hyung. Inhae hyung is fine."

Taeyong gulped. "Right. Inhae hy-hy-hyung." He held his breath and breathed naturally after.

"We're still on our way to recruit another member, but us three will do fine in the meantime." Jaehyun helped. "We will be working on our songs first. Do we need a song camp?"

Inhae nodded. "If you need one, sure, go ahead. In Ojigu we make our own music. So do as you please, but don't waste resources, am I clear?"

"Yes, hyung."

"I checked your documents earlier and found that apparently Wonwoo goes to your high school." Inhae glanced at Wonwoo then at the other three. "Do you four know each other?"

"Well, we have a lot of students at school, so-" Jaehyun then recalled something after studying Wonwoo's face who sat across him. "Ah, aren't you in the basketball team?"

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