Chapter 24

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Jiwoo stormed out of Ojigu and took her phone, trying to contact both Yuta and Wonwoo.

"Where are they..."

She kept walking toward the bus stop while trying to contact them.


She noticed in a good five seconds that it was Kim Chan, her student. "Oh, Kim Chan-hakseng?"

"What a coincidence..."

"Y-yes..." She was busy with her phone until she came to realise that he wasn't alone. Also reminded by the fact he and his Daesan-go friends almost attacked her.

"I'm sorry for last time, ssem... My friend was really upset about something at school." A tall student came and spoke to her. He extended his hand for a shake. "Ah, I'm Pyo Jinhyuk. Just a concerned friend and I'm here want to help." He smiled at her.

She slowly shook his hand. "Jeon Jiwoo."

"I know. You're just very popular these days. Not one people in my school doesn't know about you... noona."

"It's still Jiwoo-ssem for you, Jinhyuk-hakseng." She tried to text Yuta and Wonwoo since they didn't pick up her calls.

"But Yuta doesn't call you ssem or noona, though? Isn't it a discrimination?"

Jiwoo stopped typing and looked up to Jinhyuk. "What?"

"Should we go for a walk? I'll take you to where Yuta is." He said calmly. Chan's eyes were anxiously rolling here and there.

"Where is he-"

"Ssem!" A shout with a loud motorbike sound approached them.

She noticed the tall built on the motorbike as Youngho.

"Hyungnim, what should we do?" Chan asked Jinhyuk.

As calm as he was, Jinhyuk walked toward the motorbike. "He's just a nobody." He grabbed a hose that was lying unoccupied on the street side and took Jiwoo's wrist, tying one end at her.

"What are you doing???"

Jinhyuk walked closer and closer to the motorbike and made a knot on one tire of a truck that was parked. They then saw the driver was done with his business and on his way to his truck.

"If you come closer, that gives the truck a way to drive the street and..." Jinhyuk laughed at Jiwoo. "You know, maybe she doesn't need a hand."

Youngho gritted his teeth. "Shit..."

"But if you just stay there. Just stay there... the driver will be pissed, but she will have her hand still... and you'll let us walk away, safe and sound. How does that sound, big guy?"

The driver entered his truck but noticed Youngho and his motorbike blocked the way. He got out again and yelled at him. "Crazy kid!! Can you move? I'm quite busy right now! Move!"

Jinhyuk smiled at Youngho. Jiwoo tried to untie the knot but it was too tight. She stared at Youngho and told him with her eyes that it was okay.

"Let go of her first." Youngho turned off his motorbike and got off. The driver kept yelling at him. Jinhyuk signalled Chan to untie her knot.

"Good choice. I'll remember your face." Jinhyuk gave a small head salute at him then left with Jiwoo and Chan.

Youngho sighed and disappointed with himself.

"This bastard... Are you deaf??? Move your motorbike, kid!!"

"Yea yea, I get it!!" He got one his bike and left the street furiously.

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