Chapter 6

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In the classroom during recess, Taeyong was busy furrowing his eyebrows and curving his lips with all his might.

"Are you thinking or are you not thinking?" Youngho spoke as he passed his desk.

"Yah, listen to me." Taeyong grabbed Youngho's arm, the tall guy actually listened.

"What? I want to smoke, hurry."

Showing his thinking-hard face to Youngho, Taeyong asked him. "Should we start a band?"

"Are you sick somewhere?" Youngho placed his hand on Taeyong's forehead. "I play piano and I always play by myself. I'm not into duets, now you're talking about a band. A no from me, obviously." He sassily pried Taeyong's hand and left the classroom.

Pouting, Taeyong stared outside. "Well... I still need a bassist, a drummer, and a guitarist. It's not that many to form a band, right?"

Food crossed his mind so he wanted to go to the canteen to buy some snacks. Abruptly standing up, he bumped into Yuta.


"It's fine." Yuta went to his seat.

Taeyong was curious so he followed Yuta, who was trying to finish his homework. "Yah, Yuta."


"Do you play any instruments?"

Yuta stared at his classmate. "Bass. But not that good. Why?"

Smiling widely as his big eyes almost popped, Taeyong wanted to hug him. "Really?? Do you want to be in a band?"

"What band?"

"W-well, my band...actually."

"What's it called?"

Taeyong scratched his forehead. "Haven't really thought about it, but you're my first member- second member after myself." He smiled, trying hard to scout his first band member.

"I didn't say I wanted to join your anonymous band. I'm busy with soccer anyway."

"Ah... okay..."

Dropping his shoulders, Taeyong left the classroom with gloomy face. Yuta kept staring at him as he disappeared.

Another fist landed on Yuta's face. He spitted out a bit of blood and stood up again.

"Do you know that it feels somewhat fun to hit you?" Taeseong yelled.

"I don't care." Replied Yuta. He then got kicked on his left ankle.

"This is why I hate the Japanese."

Wonwoo leaned on the wall and watched Yuta being bullied by Taeseong and his friends. He stayed in the shade.

"Why are you never fighting back???" One of the gang shouted.

"I didn't start anything. I have no reasons to fight you all. You're just bullying me for some illogical reasons." Said Yuta.

"True." Taeseong picked a chair and sat on it. "But we're getting bored now, you see? Fight us back and we'll end all of this."

"Then tell me." Breathed Yuta, he felt his cheeks heated from the punch. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Wonwoo snorted holding his laugh, making Yuta glared at him.

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