Chapter 9

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Jiwoo glared at Wonwoo.

"'Hyung'?? Do you know him, then?"

Surprised by her reaction, Wonwoo took a step away from her. "Sort of."

She had speculated that he might be one of the gang members, from the curses earlier. It somehow made her even angrier that he could have joined in assaulting Yuta.

"Look, noona, let's just go home, okay?"

"Then tell me," Jiwoo said, "What's the reason?"

Wonwoo looked into her sister's eyes and he knew she wasn't asking about why he was friends with Ki Taeseong. He sighed. "Taeseong hyung's sister was drugged and raped when she went to the club. He followed the suspects and found out they were Japanese."

She was quite surprised with the story.

"His sister was his last family member. He just hates every Japanese men after that. That's why he keeps hurting Yuta."

"-sunbae. He's Yuta sunbae for you." She said, but Wonwoo just rolled his eyes as if he was saying 'whatever'. "But still, it's wrong to do that to him."

"Whatevs. Let's just go home." He grabbed Jiwoo's wrist to drag her to the bus stop.

She then pried his hand.

"If you don't want to go home, fine. Just don't ever see them again in the streets." He raised his voice.

She just glared at him, somewhat became a habit.

"You don't confront them alone. If you see them, just run- wait, don't- just call me. Yeah, just call me. You think you can bluff but they will do anything to hurt you. I'm not a good fighter but I can do a thing or two to protect you. And..." He gulped nervously to finish his sentence.

"...don't ever mention your name to Ki Taeseong."

She wasn't even listening to what he said until the last part. "Why?"

He looked away. "Just don't. He'll make you an easier target when he learns about your name."

"But why?"

Wonwoo nudged her sister's shoulder a bit. "Go home. I have somewhere to go."

He then left her alone. Jiwoo kept watching him walked away. "That crazy prick. Sometimes I wonder if we're really blood-related."


A kick landed on Wonwoo's abdomen. He coughed as his throat burned.

"Leave us alone." Taeseong ordered. The gang dispersed leaving the warehouse. "Who is she?"


"Why did you protect her? She can't be a nobody." He kicked Wonwoo again.

"Hyung, I thought we agree not to hit each other." He breathed weakly. "And we don't hit girls, remember? I was just doing that..."

Taeseong pulled a chair and sat in front of kneeling Wonwoo. "Then tell me why her face looks familiar? It's as if I had seen her more than just once or twice."

"There are thousands of girls who look like her, why bother."

"You're probably right. But that's just..." He stood up and took some cash from his wallet. He placed it in Wonwoo's hand. "Go to the hospital. Sorry I had to kick you. The others start to think you're betraying us so I had no choice."

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