Chapter 14

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Wonwoo was on his way home when she spotted Jiwoo on her usual spot on the balcony, smoking. Her other hand seemed to be occupied so he walked closer. She was reading a book.

"Shouldn't you go out and date someone?" He sighed and walked toward the flat building.

Jiwoo heard the front door was unlocked. She marked her book with her lighter and peeped from the glass door. She spotted Wonwoo, humming to a random song she barely knew.

"I'm hungry." She said to him, sliding the door a bit and stretched her body. "Are those foods?"

"This?" He lifted the mysterious black plastic bag in his hand. "Jokbal*."

"Eugh. You know I don't eat jokbal..." Disappointed, she sat straight and continued reading.

He just chuckled and set the jokbal on the dining table. "Want me to cook you ramyeon?" He asked as he had his chopsticks ready to eat.

"No, thanks." She said, puffing her cig.

"You're not meeting Yuta hyung tonight?"

"Nope. He has extra soccer practice."

"Ah, I see. You save each others number now." He said in a singsong and snorted, couldn't handle not to laugh.

Jiwoo flashed a finger to him with her cig between her fingers.

"Just eat something, you said you're hungry." He savoured the jokbal within each bite.


"What are you reading anyway?"

"None of your concern."

He nodded in agreement. He wouldn't understand anyway.

Even after Wonwoo finished his food, Jiwoo was still outside and it was quite windy. He knocked on the glass door that separated them.

She turned to look at the door.

"Let's eat." He said to her.

"I'm okay."

"Fine. I'm going out." He went to his bedroom to get his jacket.

Jiwoo saw him walking toward the front door. "Are you going to drink?"

"Then if I say I'm going to do a group study, will you believe me? Of course I'm going to drink, what else." He opened the front door. "I'm really going."

"Wait, let me join you!"

Wonwoo kept glaring at Jiwoo. "Happy now?"

She nodded with chopsticks in her mouth. "Thanks for the bbq."

He took another shot of soju. "Weird lady."

"I really wanted to eat bbq in soju bar, really. That's why I joined you."

"Can you even drink..." He said to himself as he poured another shot.

"I'm quite strong, but not as strong as you."

"How much?"

"1,5 bottles, I think?"

"That's close to nothing."

Then the owner ahjumma arrived to their table with a tray of egg soup and another side dishes. "You two look really close. If you tell me you two are siblings I will believe it." She said as she places the bowls.

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