Chapter 17

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"Yah, Jeon Wonwoo! Come here!" Hyunwoo kept coughing inside the burning apartment. "Why did you come here , too?"


"Come here! The little kids had left through the pipes, they're small enough."

"What do we do now? How do we-"

A block of wood on fire fell between the two.

"Stay there! I'll think of something!" Hyunwoo initiated. "Why are you here anyway?? You're not as strong as I am." He still nagged at his friend while gathering the remaining blanket.

"Because I care? Yah, is it going to take long? I'm afraid my mother will scold me if she knows-"

"She won't scold you. She'll punish you for sure." Hyunwoo was busy wetting the blanket to cover them both as their ticket out.

"You know... will we die here?"

"Don't put that thought-" Hyunwoo just realised that his friend was quite weak with the thick smoke. "Yah! Don't you dare to sleep here! Don't close your eyes, I'm coming to you."

Wonwoo kept coughing and waited for Hyunwoo.

The two reunited and walked outside the apartment using the wet blanket.

"I hold the blanket, you scream for help, okay? I think the firemen ahjussis are in the building." Hyunwoo suggested.

"Okay." Wonwoo nodded. "Help! There's someone here! Help! Here!"

"Good. We just need to take a few floors down and we'll be fine."

"But, Hyunwoo... I don't think I can make it- I can't breath-" He kept coughing.

"No, you can make it. We'll go out together." Hyunwoo strode along and dragged Wonwoo with him under the heavy blanket.

"I can't..."

"Wait, you'll have to make it out because you have to see your sister. Didn't we promise to keep her safe when we're older? You did mean your promise, right?"

"I do, but..." Wonwoo still coughed.

"Come on, you have to make it." Hyunwoo hugged Wonwoo tighter so he didn't slip while he was dragging the blanket.


He couldn't reply as he was doing a hard work.

"Can you take care of both my mother and my sister?"

Hyunwoo almost lost a grip on the blanket.

"Can you?"

"Don't say stuffs like that, you fool!" Hyunwoo found his way out of the fire and decided to take a rest by the staircases to keep Wonwoo breathing.

The two rested by the wall, eyes looking down outside the building where people was gathering.

"Do you think my mother is down there?" Wonwoo asked.

"She does, I believe so."

"Where do you think your mother is right now, Hyunwoo-ya?"

"I don't know. Maybe up there, somewhere." He pointed to the sky with his tiny finger.

"When we're older, let's go to different high school then switch our name badges." Wonwoo said out of the blue.

"Do you really think that we're twins??"

Wonwoo chuckled but continued with a cough. "I'm betting with all the fried chickens in South Korea that people won't notice we have different badges." He wrote his name on the dusty window.

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