Chapter 25

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Loud fist fights and kicks filled the warehouse. Few of Daesan-go kids were already on the ground with bruises on their faces and bodies.

Ji Kijoon was still standing tall even with cuts on his nose and cheeks. Yuta too, stood before him with his fighting stance, face was still untouched.

"Just stop this, you and your friends need to be taken to the hospital." Yuta told him.

Wonwoo and Taeseong helped their fallen friends to get up and to leave the place.

"Is that a mockery?" Kijoon laughed with his bleeding gums.

"It's supposed to be Pyo Jinhyuk, not you." Yuta said. Taeseong almost wanted to spit when he heard the disgusted name.

"That should be me." A voice echoed. Everyone followed the source of the voice.

Except for Wonwoo. He turned on his phone and found lots of missed calls from Jiwoo and a text.

Noona: 'I have somewhere to go today, I'll be home late.'

His eyes then found Pyo Jinhyuk walked toward Ji Kijoon. Then he focused on his phone again.

'This is unlike her. She won't let me know her whereabout-' He gasped and grabbed Taeseong's shirt. "Hyung, I have a really bad hunch and I want you to help."

"What bad hunch?"

Wonwoo gulped and stared at his phone. "When you do hear a funny ringtone around...," He turned to Taeseong, "...cover me. I need to run away from here."

Taeseong scrunched his face all confused.

"So you're the legendary Nishiken." Jinhyuk looked around and gripped at Kijoon's face. "Not bad, seeing you untouched."

"Just do what you want and end this."

Wonwoo nodded at Taeseong. "I hope I'll be in your good hands."

He then pressed the dial button, calling Jiwoo's number. His eyes hoped his hunch wasn't true.

But a funny ringtone then echoed. Taeseong himself was surprised and that it was enough for his cue. Wonwoo placed his hand on his shoulder. "See you later when it's over."

Wonwoo ran toward the other gate of the warehouse. Yuta wondered what was happening and Jinhyuk took the noisy phone from his pocket.

But a group of Daesan-go boys arrived, stopping Wonwoo. He could hear Jinhyuk was laughing.

"Your sister is in good hands, don't worry. Come and play for a while. I bring new friends for you."

Yuta clenched his fists tighter when he heard that. "What did you do to her??"

Jinhyuk turned to Yuta. "Nothing harmful." But then he smirked. "Or was it harmful for her?"

The two then fought and so did Wonwoo and Taeseong with the other group.

Jiwoo tried to picklock the door with things in the janitor room. The door was almost unlocked when someone turned the key from outside.

She saw a group of girls. "So this is the bitch they're talking about? She's an ahjumma??"

"I need to get out of here, can you help me?" Jiwoo asked, not knowing who they were.

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