Chapter 27

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Chan, Wonwoo and Youngho went to Jiwoo's ward together. They each brought things for her. Youngho with fruits, Chan with flowers, and Wonwoo with her changing clothes from home.

As the door slid opened, Jiwoo was reading a magazine. Her eyes lit up when she saw the three. "You really came."

"Ssem, I don't know what you like, so I just bring you flowers." Chan placed the bouquet next to her bed. "You seem fine."

"Thanks for your help that time."

"Him?? Helped?? He helped you??" Wonwoo raised his tone in disbelief. "Tck, unbelievable. Is he a traitor or something? Ssolma?? Do you, in any way, have a crush on my sister?? Yah, Kim Chan, you have a line for that. Get pass the Nishiken first, you-"

"Jeon Wonwoo." Jiwoo also raised her tone, making him stopped talking. "Can't someone be nice and grateful?"

Chan chuckled. "It's okay, ssem. No matter how other people see it, I will sound like a traitor, just like he said." He turned to look at Wonwoo. "I helped her because she's the only person who acknowledges my achievements, that's all."

"I believe she hasn't seen you fight." Wonwoo murmured in a sarcastic tone.

Jiwoo glared at him.

"Okay, so I'm just going to put these fruits over here and leave for my piano class." Youngho, who was awkwardly standing with a basket full of fruits since then, placed the basket on the table.

"Why so soon?" She asked.

"Ah... that's... well, my teacher said he brought this imported cigarettes and wants to share it with me before the new piano is moved to another room."

"Well, okay. Good luck with your piano course."

"Eeyy, ssem. You know me. I'm the best piano player and nothing will stop me from playing." He smiled. "I'm leaving."

Youngho got a call from his teacher. "Yes, Mr. Han? I'm on my way-" He bumped into someone on his way out of the hospital. "Ah, sorry." He didn't see the man as he was in a hurry.

"Don't be." The guy smiled at him. He was wearing an arm sling around his left arm.

"I have to fill out noona's health insurance form. Yuta-hyung is on his way here." Wonwoo glared at Chan. "Can you keep her company?"

"Can I take a walk outside? It's too frustrating in here." Jiwoo requested.

"I'll be with her, then." Chan added.

Wonwoo was that close to crumple Chan's face but he held it in. "Fine. Just keep her safe. She's still recovering after all."

Jiwoo looked around the patients at the hospital garden. Her dream was what kept her mind busy.

"Ssem, are you okay?"

She stared at Chan. "Chan-hakseng, what's your dream?"

"Me? Umm... I think I want to be an engineer. I'd like to create robot bodyguards? If that makes sense...? You know I'm good at maths and fighting, I'd like to combine both, hehe."

"That's nice to hear..."

"What about ssem? Did you dream about being a hakwon teacher?" His question made them both laughed.

"I probably did, didn't I?" She wrinkled her nose. "My dream... I don't think I have one."

"Don't your parents ask you?"

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