Chapter 28

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(2 weeks later)

A notification startled Jiwoo. She saw a group was made for the tenants in the building. Kang Yebin made the group chatroom.

She just left her phone and started to clean up after work, getting ready to sleep.

After the shower, she decided to smoke on the balcony instead.

"You're still not allowed to smoke." Yuta's voice told her off. He was the guard for the night as she insisted to go back home to her flat. He, Wonwoo and Taeseong agreed to take turns watching her.

"You're the noisiest one for taking this 'watch' seriously... no need to stay in my flat..." She insisted to smoke.

He gave up and let her smoke.

"I haven't seen your tall friend...Youngho? Isn't he like a pack with you and Taeyong?"

"Ah, about that... he had an incident at the academy. I don't think he wants to be near music instruments any time soon."

"What happened?"

"Stop smoking then I'll tell you."

"Never mind. Not my business anyway." She puffed her cig. "Your showcase? When is it?"

"In two weeks." He set the food on the dining table. "Eat these when you're hungry."

She just silently smoked.

He decided to join her on the balcony. "I have a soccer tournament tomorrow. Will you come?"

She nodded hesitantly. "I'll try." Jiwoo had something in her mind.

"Just ask."

"Kim Chan... how is he doing?"

"He's still in comatose, that's what I heard."

She wanted to crush her cig upon hearing that.

"His family is currently placing a charge on both Pyo Jinhyuk and Ji Kijoon, so you don't have to worry about that. He'll recover soon, I promise you."

Jiwoo put off her cig.

"What is he to you? Why do you care about him so much? Why-"

She kissed him gently, placing her hands firmly on his jaws.

Yuta felt butterflies in his stomach and returned the kiss. But when he was about to touch her face, she let go of the kiss.

"I can't return your feelings. But I thank you for your presence around me."

He smiled happily, with hints of blushing cheeks.

She studied his face. "You should smile more. It suits you really well. You have the best smile."

"I do?"

"Promise me to smile a lot more, especially when you can't see me."

"And why is that?"

She pecked his cheek briefly. "Think as if you will be rewarded with this every time you smile."

His smile was getting wider by the peck. "Yah, Jeon Jiwoo, you just can't play with someone's heart like this..."

"I know..." She rested her head on her folded knees in front of her chest. "I'm a bad girl, aren't I?"

"You are."

She stared into void and contemplating. "Chan is probably one of those people who has to live and keep moving forward with his life. I can see that he's more than what his friends think."

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