Chapter 16

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A reminder notification vibrated Jiwoo's phone.

She was occupied with papers from students as she had to examine three classes she taught. At times she regretted that she had too much work.

"Jiwoo-ssem." A student visited the teachers room and came to her desk.

She checked who it was. "Ah, Kim Chan-hakseng." She greeted him. "What is it?"

Chan scratched his forehead trying to look confused. "About that, ssem... I mean..."

"Sit down. Talk slowly." Jiwoo pulled a chair for him to sit. He then sat down.

"You know that I'm not good with maths..."

"I'm very aware of that." She chuckled.

"I uh, I was thinking if I could get an extra class at night? But-"


"Y-yes? Will you do it?" Chan was surprised that she quickly agreed.

"I actually already have an extra class for another student, he's in 3rd year, though. You're still in your 2nd year so I don't think we can group the class. Unless you're okay with that...?"

"Ah... umm, I'm better if I study alone I think, ssem."

"But you will have to give me an extra charge." She joked about it and checked her schedule book to find the time.

"I'll pay you double."

"Eyy, I was joking. It's okay." She found the day she was free. "So... I'm free on Tuesdays and Fridays."

"Is it okay if I just do it after the usual hakwon classes?"

"But that will be past 10 pm? I don't think you will have a good concentration by then. And I have to go home, too."

"Ssem, I will give you a ride home. Please, I need to study better."

Jiwoo was awed. "Okay. How about we try one session and pick up from there, hm?"

"Okay, ssem. Thank you." Chan stood up and bowed at her. "Thank you, ssem."

He then left the teachers room. As he walked, he texted Pyo Jinhyuk.

Jinhyuk Hyungnim: 'I have the teacher. Wednesday next week, midnight.'

Jiwoo then checked her phone. She was about to enter the extra schedule and was surprised with the notification instead.

'Mum's birthday, tomorrow.'

And under it, there was also another reminder.


She sighed and placed her hand on her chest.

Jiwoo smoked on the balcony as usual. She was contemplating about whether she should do what she had in mind right now.

She stared down on her phone, with the same reminder notification.

"Should I visit her?"

Then she found Wonwoo, on his way to the balcony, climbing up. As if she had witnessed this weird behaviour million times, she just sat there calmly, puffing her cigarette.

He noticed Jiwoo was there, so he smiled sheepishly. "Hehe."

"Get up here. You'll fall."

Wonwoo got to the balcony and joined her.

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