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"Yes, I just remembered. I didn't get to tell you the good news," Rose said excitedly with her mouth full and clapped her hands together repeatedly for effect.

"D-don't t-talk w-with f-food in y-your m-mouth, i-ut's d-disgusting," I said covering my nose.

"Are you asking me to stop eating this awesome food? Even the good news can't stop me from eating Mrs Cooker's food. I am ready to die in the ocean of her food," she said, as she swallowed the food in her mouth.

We were in the library, the only place I could eat without being disturbed. Rose didn't have cheerleading practice today, that was why we were eating together. She loved Mrs Cooker's food and she always claimed Mrs Cooker's parents had foreseen her future before they named her Cooker, something I slightly agreed with.

"Okay, lest I forget the good news. Three handsome boys are joining us till graduation!", she shouted. I looked around to see if she disturbed anybody with her shout. It wasn't a surprise, the librarian was snoring and most of the students in the library were with their phones.

"Y-you don't h-have to shout a-and w-what is the g-good n-news?" I asked putting on an innocent face expecting her to say something else.

"You are a mood spoiler, you should at least pretend to be excited," she said, pouting at me but didn't stop eating the spaghetti.

"I u-understand w-why I a-am not e-excited b-but w-why a-are y-you s-so e-excited abo-ut it?" I asked confused as to why she was this excited over a boy; she doesn't sleep around with boys.

"Are you seriously asking me? They are handsome and I have decided to settle down for a relationship and fall in love," she said blushing.

"Hmmm-um," I murmured. Rose always said that when new handsome boys joined us but she always got so nervous that she couldn't even talk to them.

The bell rang indicating that lunch was over.

"Go to your class," the librarian murmured in her sleep the same time Rose and I looked at each other's face and giggled. We packed our books and my lunch plate as we went to class.

"See you tomorrow girl and wear something sexy; it's going to be a competition getting the most handsome guy," Rose said and smiled as I rolled my eyes at her. We waved at each other as she walked out of the school. I was about to leave when I remembered putting my assignment in my locker. I would have left it if not that it was due the next day.

I walked slowly to my locker and pressed my password. My eyes caught a familiar object; a rose. When it started coming five years ago, I was afraid that I had a stalker, but Rose explained to me when we became friends that it could be a secret admirer. I didn't see anything to it since the person was a coward and refused to show up after many years. I dropped the rose in the bin on my way out of school as I entered the car and drove home. No, I didn't drive Mr Caleb did.


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