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As I walked to my locker to get my English assignment, I shouted as I saw the familiar rose in it. It was no surprise to see the rose but what made me shout in fear was the dead rat in my locker.

Student crowded around me to see what was wrong but I couldn't stop the fear bubbling in me which result to me physically shaking.

"Why did you shout like you just lose a dear friend? I ran here..... Oh my God, what's that?" Rose shouted as she gaped at the dead rat with her mouth open.

She moved closer to my locker and picked up the rose which surprising had something written on it.

"Tell me this isn't blood," Rose said making me shivered at her statement. It was indeed blood.

"You belong to me bitch," was written with what I liked to believe was a red ink. Who am I kidding?

"Oh my God, this is getting serious. Who could do that?" Why was she asking me that question and when did she become two people?

"R-Rose, w-why a-re y-you t-two p-persons?" I raised up two fingers in case she didn't understand.

"Mary, what are you talking about? I am one person," Rose said looking confused as she looked at her back searching for the second her.

"B-but...," I couldn't finish my sentence as I staggered to both sides looking for something to steady myself when everything went black.

"What the hell?" I think I heard that before closing my eyes but I wasn't really sure if it was just my imagination.


"I think we should get the police to involve," Tom staring at me as I played with my food. I couldn't stomach anything because I couldn't forget the dead rat in my locker. After my dramatic exit, I was carried to the school clinic by non-other than the boy himself.

We all sat in the cafeteria during lunch and no one was eaten. I almost smile at how angry Mrs Cook would be if she sees us wasting food.

"I d-don't w-want a-anyone e-especia-llly m-my p-aarents s-str-ressed u-up b-because o-of m-me th-hough we-ee c-aan fi-ile a r-report o-or s-something," I said.

"But, the person can be more serious than we think he is....." Tom shouted looking angry.

"N-No, i-if it-t g-get w-worse I w-will t-tell t-them b-but n-not n-now w-when it c-could j-just be-e a p-prank or-r s-somet-things," I said making Rose glared at me.
She sighed when she noticed I won't take no for an answer. Maybe I was trying to reassure myself that it wasn't serious.

"But seriously that guy is nothing but a coward, an idiot and a crazy psychopath," Rose shouted. I shivered at what she said.

A crazy psychopath in love with me? No, love is too good to be that thing. Obsessed will do.

I didn't want to admit it but I was really shaken up. If the person killed an innocent rat just to remind me I belong to him/her, how much more will they do if I start a relationship?

I just wished everything was all a dream that I would open my eyes to forget.


Thank you so much for reading, your votes and comments,😅😅😅😅 they mean a lot. Sorry for not posting for so long.
I miss you, your view and contributions on each point.

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