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"Welcome to the world famous car race competition!" Gee said and he raised the banner. People shouted hailing him when he bowed to the audience.

"A race between two of our best racers TOM JONES and BOBBY!" people started shouting BOBBY'S name only a few people shouted my name but I didn't let that get to me. I would win this competition because I couldn't have it any other way. I must win.

"The race will start after the count of five," Gee said and we both positioned ourselves. Knowing Bobby, he would definitely drive to kill. I studied him for some seconds. When he saw me looking at him, he smirked and I smiled at him.

"5...4...3...2....1...go!" Gee shouted and the race began.

We had been racing for some time now, none of us wanted to give up. Even the audience got quiet; they know the sign. We were playing a game of death aiming to hit each other.

"10 minutes to the end of the race" Gee shouted.

"Wait why is he slowing down? This is like the last race" I said. I was about to increase the speed when Bobby hit my car from the back. I swirled to the left hitting the wall.

"Shit!" I hissed in pain feeling the bending of a bone in my thumb. I tried to steady the car but he hit me again. My head jerked to the front hitting the steering. I saw the blood before I felt the pain.

Feeling dizzy, I cursed when I could no longer see the lane clearly. I tried to clear my eyes but nothing seems to be working but I didn't stop driving. I couldn't lose I just couldn't so many things were at stake.

My car flung to the front when I hit something. I was able to steady the car but I couldn't drive again not when I couldn't see. I rested my head on the steering. Gee would probably kill me for losing, I should also revenge by staining his car.

"Ladies and gentlemen, then our winner for this year competition is...TOM JONES!" Gee shouted and the people started shouting my name.

What a nice dream! Dad was right. We dreamt about beautiful things at the face of death.

"Tom! Are you okay?" Paul asked. I opened the door and moved out of the car. I was unstable and Paul rushed to steady me.

"Paul, I am sorry," I said avoiding his eyes.

"Why are you sorry? I am the one that should be sorry. I never would have guessed you would win" he said, laughing.

"I won?" I asked, gaping at him.

"Wait, is the cut that deep?" Paul asked laughing but his face showed that he was worried. He pointed at my back and my mouth parted at what I saw.

The four tyres of Bobby's car were up in the air and some guys were tried to remove him from the car.

"What happened?" I asked Paul who was feeling my temperature.

"What else would have happened? You hit his car and I pray he won't survive it!" He shouted and I sighed. Paul could be wicked if he wants to.

"He must have been the one I hit when I was feeling dizzy" I replied.

"What? You are feeling dizzy?" He asked getting worried.

"No, I am not" I answered trying to smile. My head felt like it would break into pieces.

"Tom, what's the colour of the shirt I'm wearing?" Paul asked. Burst! He was wearing a yellow shirt when we came here.

"Yellow," I said. Smiling at where I assumed he was standing.

"It's red. I change my shirt after the race started and I am now at your left, not your right" He shouted and I waved at him to stop him from shouting. He was hurting my head.

I couldn't believe I win. Now, I could do what I have always wanted to do. I smiled. Knowing very well that I was about to lose consciousness, I rested on the car as I close my eyes.

I won!!!


Thanks for your support on A Dyspraxia Love Story.

Really sorry if this chapter isn't perfect. I don't know much about racing.

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