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I hated feeling guilty, ever since the talk with Rose, I had been feeling guilty. I knew Tom was trying to help so shouting at him was childish though he shouldn't have called me dumb.

"I said I'm sorry Mary, he just grabbed my hand before I could come to you," Rose said pouting at me.

I was a little bit angry that Paul grabbed him before me but it not her fault.

"I'm n-not angry, w-we w-would have e-ended u-up wit-th Sp-eencer g-group a-anyway so it's n-not t-that b-bad," I said smiling at her as we hugged each other.

"Can I get a hug too?" Paul asked.

"In your dreams" Rose glaring at her.

"Wait, are you still angry that I choose you?" Paul asked, his he dumb?

"No, I'm not. I Am FUCKING ANGRY" Rose shouted and we all covered our ears.

God, she was loud.

I hated to be Paul right now because my friend was shouting all sort of gibberish that I couldn't make out at him.

They are so cute, shaking my head at them I moved closer to Kaden who was on his phone playing dress up, his he gay?

"Hi," I said he was so into the game that I had to tap him.

"Sorry, hi angel" Rolling my eyes at his nickname, I asked him the question that had been bothering.

"Where is Tom?" I asked biting my lips.

"Lover bo... I mean Tom will meet us at the hospital" he said and went back to pressing his phone, idiot.

We are all going to the hospital to see Kaden's sister.

"Are you guys ready? We are taking Paul's car"Kaden said walking towards the school gate and we all followed him well I followed him, Paul and Rose were pushing each other.

"I'm sitting beside the window and that's final," Rose said glaring at Paul.

I was shocked too when they started fighting about who will seat near the second window the one that wasn't tinted, I mean who fight about that? Them.

Who tints a window and leave the other untinted?

Rose ended up sitting there.

"Kaden I'm going to throw your phone out of the car, no pressing of the phone when driving," I said glaring at him.

"Yes, mom," he said and dropped his phone and started the car.

Rose was taking a nap, that girl sleeps so fast. Guess where her head was? On Paul's shoulder.

They were so cute, I still need a couple's name for them though I couldn't think of any cute name. Do you know one?

"We are here," Kaden said and parked the car near the "park here" board.

"Wait, what if she doesn't want to see us?" Rose asked I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

"Lol, she will like you and she is six," Kaden said shrugging his shoulder as we all walked into the hospital.

"I can't go in, I can't handle it if a kid hates me," Rose said making me groaned. We have been standing at Emily's door for like a few minutes now and Rose had been panicking.

Kaden didn't bother to answer her as he pushed her in.

"Hi princess," Kaden said moving closer to hug his sister.

The kid on the bed looked thin but cute, she looked weak too making my heart hurt.

"Hi, are you the boy's friend?" She asked making us nodded and she smiled at us.

"Have never met their girlfriends but I'm happy to meet you?" she said.

"Wow she is smart for her age, I'm Rose," Rose said smiling at the little girl.

"Just like the Rose flower? I like Rose flower" she said and Rose hugged her.

The girl looked at me waiting for me to introduce myself.

"I-I am-m M-mary, y-you a-are c-cute," I said as she beamed at me, she was just so cute.

"Are you sick too? Is that why you shutter?" She asked I nodded looking at my feet.

"It's cute," Emily said as I gaped at her.

No one had ever said that to me.
How can my shuttering be cute?

"Where is daddy's son?" She asked making me giggled.

"Only you kid, only you get to call me that" I recognized his voice immediately. Did he hear me saying I am sick?

"This daddy's son buys you a new Teddy Bear," Tom said making the girl giggled. Tom smiled at him and my heart beat faster than normal, he will be a great father.

Wait, what?

"C-can I s-see you for a m-moment?" I asked him, he looked at me and nodded.

Here we go.
Apology Time!


A DYSPRAXIA LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now