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"So tell me, Mary, how have you been doing lately?" My counsellor, Ms Johnson asked me on one of my Thursday's visit to her. She had been my therapist for three years now after I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia. I went to many therapists but she was the only one that I was comfortable with. She was also the first person I talked to after I was diagnosed. No, it wasn't my parent. She had this aura around her that made one feel at home.

"I'm f-fine, It-talked t-to R-Rose w-without s-shuttering s-some d-days a-ago a-and I m-made n-new f-friends," I said looking down at my black shoe and frown at the mentioned of new friends. Were they even my friends? Though I am comfortable around Ms Johnson, I still find it difficult to look at her. I was sitting opposite her in her office that looked more like a flower shop, different types of a flower surrounded her, I found out she loved flower and the first time I visited her, she gave me a pot of aloe vera flower which I put in my room new the window. She was obsessed with flowers but who wouldn't? It calms the mind.

"Well, that's progress. The fact that you are making new friends, I love it" she smiled at me. "You know I talked to one of my friend about your sickness and she told me playing games help so, I want to ask you if there is any game you prefer," she said flipping through a book on her desk.

"Is-still p-plays-scrabble," I told her, scrabble had been making me feel depressed because I always failed at it no matter how many times I tried and she wanted me to play another game that I will fail at?

"Mary, I know you play scrabble but I am talking about any indoor game that involves you moving your body," she said smiling at me.

"I h-have a-always w-wanted t-to r-run b-but t-that's i-impossible, It-think I l-like s-skipping, b-basketball a-and s-swinging' I told her sighing at what I was missing because of my sickness.

"Well, we can start with swinging I will tell your parent to get an indoor swing and someone to supervise you," she said as she picked up her phone to call my parent.

I looked around her office as she made the call. Ms Johnson was once married but she lost her husband in a car accident his car was hit by a drunk man who was overspeeding. Ever since then, Ms Johnson hasn't entertained any man or gone on a date.

I was walking down the hallway of the hospital, I finished my session some minutes ago so I decided to leave. I was about to walk through the left door a shortcut to the main door when I saw three boys walking in.

I quickly hid behind a poll confused as to why they were there. Kaden was carrying a bottled of nonalcoholic wine while the two other boys were carrying a cake. It seems they came to visit someone but who came visiting with a cake? Who could that be?

As they walked out of my sight, I went out of the hospital nodding at Mr Caleb to start the car.

"Where to madam?" The driver asked

"J-just g-go h-home," I told her.

The thought of what the H boys were doing in a hospital with drinks and a cake was the only thing I could think of as we drove home.


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