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To say I didn't notice her bad mood would be an understatement. I had noticed more than I should have. How she looked around as if someone was waiting to hurt her, how she shivered at people's touch, I noticed how stressed she looked.

"The only thing I would only allow myself to eat in this cafeteria is anything with vanilla," Kaden said as he stared at the fries he ordered looking angry.

"You refused to listen after been warned that the food here is not eatable," Paul said as he pouted mocking Kaden. He was playing Temple Run on his phone and he intentionally hit Kaden with his head since he was moving alongside the phone.

I looked at Rose to see her staring at her friend, it looked like they were having a silent conversation.

I stared at Mary and when I met her gaze, she looked away.

"Not only does your food smell amazing but you are wasting it by not eating. Can I have it?" Kaden asked Mary who nodded at him as she pushed the flask to him.

"You don't know how to care for a girl begging for her food," Paul said as he hit Kaden who was eating Mary's food.

One would think packing food from home was childish but that was the reasonable thing to do if you don't want to get hungry.

"You are not eating," I asked her stating the obvious.

"I a-am not-t hun-ngry," she said as she stood up.

"I need to go to the ba-athroom," she said as she stood up Rose tried to follow her but she asked her to wait.

"I haven't seen her like that for years, are you guys in for a sleepover?" Rose asked looking worried but I know the worry wasn't because we would reject her but for a certain girl that left a few minutes ago.

Kaden chocked on the food and Paul stared at Rose with his mouth opened.

"Lols, I didn't mean it that way you are not sleeping over, we just want to get to know you guys since we are now friends" she explained.

The boys nodded.


"Mary's place," she said looking anywhere but me. If that wasn't a clue that something wasn't right I knew I wouldn't rest until I found out what happened and why they were behaving strange but I would be content with getting to know her.


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