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It has been days since the embarrassing moment with the boy, thinking about it still makes me feel embarrassed which led to me becoming red like the colour of a tomato. The boys had become popular every guy wanted to be in their group and all the girls want to have them for themselves. I think I've seen them with more than one girls each and it only been three days since they joined us. No, I wasn't stalking them, okay maybe I looked around a little.

The boys refused other guys company and that was how they got the name the "H Three", the H stands for handsome. It stupid if you asked me.

The boys were not in the cafeteria. The moment Rose and I got here I looked around for them because I was curious about which table they would eat at.

"I prefer Mrs Cooker's food to any other food anytime," Rose said giving the spaghetti she was eating a disgusted look.

"The caf-fete-eria fo-o-od is n-not th-hat bad yo-u-u just nee-ed to know ne-v-ver to buy spagh-e-etti or their sa-alad like ne-v-ver. It's not like I d-didn't warn yo-u-u" I said as I ate the apple I bought.

"We student should protest about the bad food........"

I was playing scrabble on my phone, my shaky hands made me lose all the time but my counsellor recommended it, not wanting to think about it I looked at Rose to see why she stopped talking. She looked like she just saw a ghost. I looked at the direction of her face and I would prefer a ghost to this happening.

The H boys were walking toward us laughing with no care in the world. I looked around the cafeteria, having the whole school staring at me makes me shrink back in my seat.

"Hello beautiful," Kaden said as they sat down without asking for any permission.

"We know we are handsome but I don't think it enough to make you both go into shock" He added. It seems he is the outspoken one among the boys.

I looked at the boy I had hit, Tom he looked as handsome as he did that day, I noticed we had been staring at each other I blushed as I looked down at my fingers.

Someone hit me under the table, I calmed down when I saw Rose eyes mentally asking me to introduce her to them.

"Th-i-is is my be-est fri-e-end Rose, Rose th-i-is is Kaden, Tom and Paul" I silently thank God that I didn't spit out nonsense as I pointed at the boys while saying their names.

"Nice meeting you, I've always wanted to talk to you never know it would happen today of all day this...." I tried to hit Rose to shut her up instead my hands hit the boy sitting at my right who happened to be Tom.

Everything went silent, including Rose rambling.

"Oh m-my God, I'm s-sorry it was a mistake..." I stopped talking. It's no use they will stand up and leave just like everybody. Even though I didn't want to admit it, it hurt.

"It's nothing, not like anyone is above mistake," Tom said as he smiled at me. He thought it was a mistake, is he stupid? How can I mistakenly him when the person I wanted to hit was on the other side? He would leave when he found out the truth when he got to know I am not normal.

"W-why are yo-u-u si-itting he-ere with us? Shou-uldn't yo-uu be sitting with Spencer and his g-grow-up?" Rose was surprised at my tone of voice even I was but it better for them to leave now than later when I have grown attached to them.

"Why would I sit with that attention asshole?" Tom asked looking confused as to why I would imagine that.

"And why sit with that idiot when we can sit with two beautiful ladies?" Kaden added.

I looked at Rose to see if she was listening since I don't know what to say, I wasn't surprised when I saw her blushing as she secretly looked at Paul.
Well, that would be interesting, not.

I looked at Tom who was already looking at me I looked away trying to calm my racing heart I didn't look up until the bell rang for the next class.


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