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Yesterday was the first race of the No-Rule Race. Yes, I won the first race. Though, it wasn't a big deal anyone could have won the race. It wasn't so competitive.

I had been thinking of taken Mary out on a date and told her how I felt about her. The issue was I don't know how to ask her. It would have been easier if she was just any girl but she wasn't.

I picked up my phone as I sent the first message.



It had been a week after the whole rat thing. Things were going normal as they should. Well, as smoothly as they could.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love you?" Kaden asked.

"Actually yes, only when you get vanilla Ice-cream," Rose answered.

"Are you saying I only love you guys of food?" Kaden asked looking shocked. I groaned knowing both of them would start arguing.






"For God sake, both of you shut up," Paul shouted at them.

"Jealous freak, you are just angry I'm talking to your girlfriend," Kaden said, Rose hit him on the head.

"He is not my boyfriend" she then glared at Paul "Don't ever tell me to shut up"

"Will you guy shut up and let us enjoy this hangout in peace?" Tom who had been pressing his phone for a while shouted. They all kept quiet but I know it won't last long.

It was a Saturday morning and we were sitting in this old looking restaurant catching fun, Kaden's words not mine. Since Saturday is a no school day we all decided to hang out on Saturdays.

My phone had been beeping non-stop since we came here but I ignored it. I knew it wouldn't be anything important since most of the people I knew were here.

"Will you check your phone or put it on silent? I hate that beeping sound" Rose said, glaring at me.

I shushed her with my hand as I removed my phone out of my bag.

3 New messages.

TOM: Hi Mary

Wait, What?

I looked at the culprit who smiled innocent at me and pointed at my phone.

TOM: "I know this is the most classless and non-cliche mode of asking"

TOM: "Will you go out on a date with me?"

I gaped at my phone.

"D-did y-you j-just a-asked m-me o-out o-on a d-date?" I asked him looking surprised.

"Hmmm...yes?" he said sounding unsure.

"Wait, what did I miss?" Rose asked. The two boys also stopped shouting at each other and looked at us.

I blushed. I mean who asked a girl on a date on the phone when he was sitting beside her? Probably Tom.

Rose snatched my phone and laughed as she read the message and gave the phone to Paul. Kaden snatched the phone from Paul and read it.

"That's was awesome," Rose said as she looked at Paul in a funning way. Probably making babies with him in her head.

"That's was stupid," Paul said shaking his head at Tom.

"Never know you are a coward," Kaden said.

"You need to come to me for training on how to ask a girl out I mean who does that? Probably an idiot who has zero knowledge about love. How wi......" Kaden lectured Tom who looked flushed because of the whole situation.

We all groaned as we had no choice than to listen to Kaden lectured on how to ask a girl out.

I couldn't reply to Tom's message until I got home that night.

ME: Yes.

TOM: Thank you. Is 7 pm okay?

ME: Yes, it is fine.

TOM: Alright, see you tomorrow. Good night.💖

ME: Night.

I blushed at the love emoji💖 and smiled as I slept off dreaming about the beautiful dress I wore to the date.


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