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I never would have guessed that Tom would be the person I would share my story with. Only a few people knew how I felt about it and letting Tom be among those people was one of the stupid but peaceful things I have ever done.

Ever since we came back from the ring, I had been smiling even my parent noticed as I sat at the dining table for dinner.

"Hmmm...," I ignored my mom knowing she was doing that to tease me.

"Are you sure you are still here dear? I wonder what song they were singing in your dreamland," she said as she hit her plate with her spoon.

"M-mum I'm n-not deaf n-nor b-blind and I a-m n-not d-day d-dreaming," I said as I rolled my eyes as she smiled at me.

"Who is the boy I have to beat up?" My father said making me groaned.

"D-dad to there i-is n-no boy," I shouted playfully at him.

"Honey, she said there is no boy even though there is a boy...,"

"D-dad," I groaned making us laughed.

"Okay, okay, there is no boy," my father said raising his hands in surrender.

"Dear, when it happens to be that there is a boy, let me know so that he won't dare to hurt you when I am through with him," my father said looking serious.

"A-Alri-ight," I said as we ate in silence.

After we were through with dinner, Mrs Cook cleared the table and we all retired to our different rooms.

I started at the picture in my hand. I saw it when I was going through my diary. In the picture, I was wearing a sport short with an award of the first racer on my neck. I only noticed I was crying when tears dropped on the picture.

When and why do things change? What did I ever do to warrant this life? Running was one of the things I love doing but it is now a thing of the past, a thing I had to let go no matter how much I love it.

"Miss Lake, I know you love running but you have to let go because of your health and safety. You are not in the right position to run," Mr Job my first counsellor had said a month after I found out I had Dyspraxia.

I couldn't believe my ears giving up on running? It was my life. I didn't believe him though so I tried running a few times but stopped when I sprain my ankle when running. Dyspraxia had taken many things from me, things that I loved.

I put the picture in my diary and locked it in a drawer where no one would find it.

I snuggled into my pillow and tried to sleep when I couldn't, I picked my phone and scrolled through the pictures on it smiling when I see the funny pictures.

At least it worked I was able to sleep with a smile on my face who am I deceiving only TOM JONES could calm me that much.



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