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The bag under my eyes was enough evidence to my parent that I had not been sleeping. Since they returned from their business trip, my parents had been asking me if I was okay. I couldn't tell them someone threatened to rape me so I told them it was because of stress.

I wasn't lying. I have been feeling stressed since Spencer threatened me and the upcoming test wasn't helping.

"Honey, you are getting late for school, be fast with the food," my dad said as he smiled at me.

"I don't even know why you refused to stay at home and rest," my mum said pouting. She wanted me to stay at home so I could rest but I don't want to miss school or stay alone at home.

"M-mum, I'm o-okay a-and I c-can't m-miss c-class, y-you o-of a-all p-people k-know h-how I h-have t-to b-be i-in c-class s-so t-that I w-will u-understand t-the l-lessons b-better b-because o-of m-my s-sickness," I said a little bit irritated. I have always found it difficult to understand something so, I need to pay attention to all my classes if I don't want to fail. I sighed when they both kept quiet.

"I'm s-sorry f-for s-shouting," I said making my mum smiled at me.

"We understand, dear," my dad said. They know my sickness was a sore spot for me so we rarely talk about it because it got me upset.

After thanking them for the food, we said our goodbyes as Mr Caleb drove me to school.

I dragged my feet to my locker maybe I should have stayed at home as mum said, I was feeling tired and weak and it was just the end of the first period. I was at my locker to pick my English assignment so I could submit.

It wasn't a surprise when I saw the red rose. I was about to throw it in the bin when I saw the word "mine" on one of the petals.

I looked around maybe I would see anybody looking suspicious but no one was looking my way. I put the rose in my locker maybe it is time to change my password. All these situations were getting scarier by the moment and they were hurting my head. After I changed my password and made sure my locker was locked, I dragged myself to my next class.


Who is the secret admirer?😈
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