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"TOM JONES, I AM GIVING YOU THE LAST WARNING THIS TIME AROUND, IF I AM CALLED THAT YOU CAUSE ANY TROUBLE, I WILL DISOWN YOU" I stared at my father as he gave me the same lecture he had been repeating since we came here and he stressed each word for effect.

"Yes dad, I understand. No fighting, no pranking, no cursing but dad, don't you think without this school will be boring?" I hissed as my father hit me on the head. It hurt like hell.

"Be a good boy for once, I am serious this time around. I won't hesitate and will sincerely throw you to the authority" he said looking serious.

"Anything for my old man" I grinned knowing what's coming afterwards.

"Did you just called me old?" My dad pretended to be shocked and tried to hit me on the head, I ran off as he ran after me.

That was yesterday night I smiled at the memory of me running away from my father as he chased me. My dad had been and will always be the only one that we see that side of me. Deserves it after what he had gone through because of me.

Looking at the time, I still had three hours before school, I stood up to prepare breakfast, my dad must be tired from all the stress he was putting himself through. He was a primary school teacher but the pay isn't that great, having to go to school in the morning and wash cars in the afternoon will take a toll on anybody. I tried to help with the money even though my dad would never support my ways of helping if he find out how I make money, I told him I was working at a library.

I made him some tea since I knew he would be awake in a few minutes and went to my room to dress for school.

The sounds of horning blasted through the whole house. I couldn't finish the food I was eaten because I knew if I didn't go out, the whole street would start cursing at the immature boys outside.

"Dad, I'm leaving" I shouted so he could hear.

"Okay, no fighting" he murmured

"Okay, old man," I said as I ran out of the house.

"Boy you won't believe this Christian boy here caused a fight between two girls, I think they were a friend or something but Paul's dimples destroyed that for them when we went sightseeing during the weekend. Paul, I'm given you a warning no smiling at ladies can't afford another catfight because of your dimples" Kaden said trying to give Paul who has driven a pout yes as guessed it was unsuccessful as Paul and I shivered at the face he made.

"That would have to look good on Paul and not you," I said "Don't ever make that face again, it's weird"

"Ever. I will smile as much as I want, my face, my dimples," Paul said looking at Kaden's and smiled showing him his dimples.

"Eyes on the road man and stop behaving like babies" I stated

"He started it," Kaden said

"I did? It was you" Paul replied to him.

They started bickering between each other and I sighed this would be the long fifteen minutes of my life.

Thank God we got to school in one bit, those two are not driven again not when I'm in the car.

"Wow, I love this school," Kaden said as we entered the school gate.

"You love the school or you love the girls in the school?" Paul asked making Kaden smirked

"You know me too well" as we walked to the principal office for our schedule and other stuff, Kaden winked at the girls who were drowning at the sight of us and Paul smiled which made some girls pretended to faint.

"No smiling," Kaden said which made Paul rolled his eyes at him.

We were coming from the principal office. I smiled at the lecture the principal gave us while I just stared blankly at him, the two boys were given him innocent faces which made the man believed we would be on our best behaviour something he would regret believing.....

My thought was cut short as someone bumped into me and called me a wall. I was about to ask the person to go to hell when she looked up. It was her eyes that stopped the words from coming out. Black but captivating iris with a pure shade of white surrounding it stared at me and my hands itched to draw it. I put my hand in a fist to stop myself from touching her hair.

"First you get to be called a wall, every guy's dream name and now she is checking you out. It's not fair why do you always get the beautiful one?" Kaden said pretending to be jealous. She looked at him and I felt like slapping him. I felt as if he just interrupted a special moment or something.

"Forgive my manners, I don't mean to make you blush, I'm Kaden Stone" I got a little bit angry that he made her blushed. What is wrong with me?

"Well, no touching than" I inwardly smiled at the fact that she rejected him though I was confused as to why she did that.

"I'm Paul," I noticed how she started at Paul's dimples and for once I hated those dimples.

"No smiling Paul, I know how girls feel about your dimples I don't care if you want them or not, you are not allowed to smile at girls" maybe I like Kaden for saying that and I felt content when he hit Paul on his head which led to them trying to hit each other. Immature boys.

"I- I m seery, I debt mean to hat you" what did she just say? I couldn't help showing my surprise? Was she nervous?
She looked so embarrassed about the whole issue.

"I-I'm s-sorry I h-hit you, I d-didn't mean to" that's sound better.

"Oh" Kaden stated, I don't know if I should thank him or hit him.
When she mentioned if I am deaf and dumb, I almost smiled at her she was just so cute.

"I'm Tom and I am not dumb nor deaf," I said as I walked knowing the two boys would follow me

"She is hot," Kaden said

"I agree with you man, I mean even I want her" Paul added

I ignored them knowing what they were trying to do.

"I don't like her," I said

"Maybe but you find her breathtaking, I saw your fist man the itchiness to draw her and you never draw something you don't find captivating," Paul said I looked at him not trying to hide my shock. Paul was the silent one among us hearing this from him was new.

I was unable to reply as the bell rang and students rushed into their various classes. We just kept walking not that we cared if we were late to class or not that was the least of things we care about.

Black and white. I smiled, maybe I did need a new painting.


Oh my God! Tom POV at last.
I've never written a boy POV so, I don't know if it's okay or not.
Thanks for your votes and comments mean a lot, lot.
I know the chapter is long. Hope you enjoy yourself.
I will welcome new ideas and contributions😊❤💙💟💗

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