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It was 3rd hour, Math

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It was 3rd hour, Math.

Jungkook had the same classes as you, you even sat together in some. But in math, you sat separately. There were three rows of 2 seats each one.

(A/n: That way, if you didn't understand ^)

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(A/n: That way, if you didn't understand ^)

You were partners with Jimin, and he catches Jungkook glancing at your seat many times as him and Jimin wondered where you were.

But their worries vanished when you appear at the door, opening it to enter the classroom. "Miss, Y/n. Where were you?" The teacher asked with a sigh.

The woman could see, everyone could see, the puffy, red eyes you had. Even Jungkook saw them as he shifted in his seat, his eyes slightly wide as relief filled his mind for some reason.

"I-I w-was just-" "She has been feeling sick since the morning, Mrs. Choi. She was in the bathroom for the time being." Jimin cut you off, standing up from his seat before you could breakdown again.

The teacher sighed, nodding softly. "Stay after class, I want to talk to you Miss Y/n. Alone." She said, seeing Jimin ready to protest.

You nodded in response, your eyes falling upon Jungkook who didn't stop staring at you. His lips parted and you looked away, ignoring him as you made your way to your seat.

Unlucky of you though, he had grabbed your wrist when you went by him, stopping you mid-way and making you curse under your breath.

"Y/n, I'm-"

"Jeon Jungkook, do you have a problem?" The teacher said while her arms were crossed over her chest. Jungkook didn't pay attention to her, he just stared at you.

"Let go of my hand, Jungkook." You said lowly and quietly, only him being able to hear you. Your eyes were sparkling with tears again, feeling everyone's eyes on your back and on Jungkook.

As he looked down, his hand slowly let go of you, looking forward again. "Thank you." You said, finally making your way to your seat and sitting down beside Jimin.

You felt his hand on your thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze as he smiled, the teacher continuing with her class again. Your eyes didn't pay attention to the teacher or anyone around you.

(Please everyone, he does this in a comforting manner, not an incest one. Stop thinking wrong of this because it's not.)

You only stared outside the window, watching the raindrops fall on the glass when you laid your head on your arms.

After losing yourself in your thoughts, time passed flying. Your heart ached after Jungkook's harsh rejection. You expected it, but, it still hurt.

"Y/n?" You heard a female voice say. Your head instantly snapped up as you heard the teachers voice beside you.

She sat down on Jimin's seat, the room already empty. "What's wrong? I've seen you being sad for a few days now. Is it because you're leaving?" She asked.

"Ah, kind of." You replied, giggling softly while looking down at your lap. "I confessed to Jungkook today. And he rejected me in a really harsh way by ripping my letter in half." You said, sniffing as a tear escaped.

"Y/n, I'm your aunt. I've been rejected many, many times before." She said. "I know, but in the end, you found uncle." You replied, chuckling along with her.

"It is sad how Jungkook has changed. But I feel that he still cares for you. Maybe he started being so harsh because he grew feelings for you." She sighed.

You leaned back on the seat while letting out a short chuckle and biting your lower lip, staring at Jungkook's empty seat. "If he really did like me, the last thing he would do is hate me." You said.

While getting up from your seat, your aunt followed you, handing you your backpack and helping you to the door. "Ah! Y/n, wait." You heard her say, stopping by the door.

You watched her return to the table and take a piece of paper from the top of her folder, going to you and handing it. "Hand this to the director and go home. Rest your mind and body and prepare yourself to say goodbye to your friends."

When your eyes fell upon the paper, it said: "Permission to take a leave". You smiled, "Thank you, auntie." You said.

You made your way out and headed towards the exit, looking through your bag for an umbrella. "Oh, I forgot it!" You exclaimed to yourself.

Once outside, your eyes fell upon Jungkook. He was standing in the middle of the garden with an umbrella in his hand, covering himself from the rain.

You sighed and stepped into the rain, hearing running towards you which made you look up. As they widened, Jungkook held the umbrella over the two of you, taking your hand after.

"I'll take you home." He said.

You didn't have time to react since he had already started dragging you towards the exit, keeping you close. A girl stomped her feet on the floor, walking away.

You guessed she had tried to ask Jungkook out and failed at it, him using you as a way to have an excuse to leave. "B-But, Jungkook, you still have classes."

"I know. I'm just having an excuse to go home. Don't think I'm doing this for you."

At that moment, you froze, your hand leaving his grasp and your feet moving you away from him. "I won't let you use me like everyone else. If you want to leave, earn it." You replied, starting to make your way home under the rain as Jungkook stood there, frozen.

"You let yourself be used! Can't you see it?!"

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