• Twelve •

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You and Jungkook laid on your bed, him on his back and you with your head on his chest. He cuddled you softly as you slept, his hand caressing your arm up and down as a blanket covered the two of you, keeping you warm along with his radiating warmth from his body.

He was watching TV, starting to feel bored since you had been sleeping for the past 2 hours after you ate and had your medicine. He sighed, his head turning to you and a smile creeping up his lips.

Just like his imagination, he finally had the chance to watch you sleep without you waking up or catching him. His other hand that was resting on his abs where his stomach was moved to your cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb.

"So pretty like always."

He turned slightly closer to you, his eyes examining the features of your face as his lips parted. His eyes fell upon your lips, the need to feel them against his becoming unbearable. He gulped nervously, his eyes going back to your closed ones before falling back upon your lips.

In the past years, you two had been denying your feelings for each other, scared to ruin the relationship. He was scared you'd reject him for what he did years ago. You were scared that he would reject you the same he did when you were both in high school.

He slowly leaned in, moving his hand on your cheek to be around your waist before turning on his side. You were no laying on your back, his arms keeping you against him as he kept leaning in. You were a deep sleeper, barely noticing what was going on.

Then finally, his lips rested on yours, scared to move in case he woke you up. His eyes slowly closed, finally moving his lips slowly and getting started when you moved yours against his. You slowly started waking up, your hands moving to his cheeks as he pulled you closer and started kissing you yet again.

This time, he kissed you with more emotion. He showed his love for you, deepened the kiss, and moved to be on top of you, while still keeping his body by your side. Your eyes opened to see it was really him and that it was not a dream or someone else, seeing his eyes closed as he kissed you.

You two started taking deep breaths, from the lack of air and from the heat of the moment. Your arms wrapped around his neck, burying your hand in his hair while his hand moved to your cheek.

Soon, you finally parted away, still leaving nearly no space between you two. You kept your eyes closed, feeling his thumb run over your cheek again and again as he caressed it caringly.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you-"

You cut him off by pecking his lips, opening your eyes slowly. With a quick smile, your cheeks turned pink as he smiled as well, staring down at you. "W-Why did you-" You were cut off by him this time, but not by his kiss.

"Because I love you."

You widened your eyes at his words, his cheeks turning slightly red. "Y-You love me?" You asked in shock, your hands staying on his cheeks, seeing him nod. You looked down shyly, feeling him hug you close and hide his head in your neck.

"I do love you. Ever since 4 years ago."

You widened your eyes even more as he pulled slightly away to look at you. "4-4 years ago?" You asked, his eyes staring into yours as he nodded. "W-What?" You said to yourself, his lips pecking yours.

"5 years to be exact. I know you probably thought I rejected you that way because I didn't like you, and that I hated you because you were ugly or whatever. But, I did like you, I liked you all the time."

You listened to him, your eyes getting teary at the memory of him rejecting you. You looked away to hide your teary eyes, his hand making you look at him again. He caressed your cheek and kissed your forehead, his smile already gone.

"I turned that way in fear people would mock us and make fun of us. I became an asshole because I feared people would make fun of you and hurt you even more."

"I tried to protect you but it turned me into your biggest pain."

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