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"Y/n, don't stress over it

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"Y/n, don't stress over it."

You scoffed and looked at Hoseok, "How am I supposed to not stress? My crush is coming to my school after I moved away to run away from those problems." You exclaimed.

"And now, Jimin didn't tell you about it. Did he?"

Your eyes moved to Taehyung as you nodded in response. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon were at your house. You three decided to spend some time together.

But mostly, they stayed with you because they knew you were going to stress about the fact Jungkook was moving here and Jimin didn't tell you.

"I just, I don't know why he didn't tell me." You said, sighing and moving your hands to your cheeks, staring at the ground in shock.

"Maybe because he knew this reaction from you?" Namjoon said.

"Still, how could he think it would be way better to learn about the news from our teacher?! And he's coming tomorrow!" You whined, crying out and laying down on your bed.

"Y/n, It will be fine. We're here with you. He won't be able to touch you and we won't let him."

You stared at the ceiling as your hands rested on your stomach. "I... I don't know. It's been a year, maybe he has changed." You said.

You suddenly let out a short laugh, the boys sharing a glance in worry and confusion. "What am I saying? That cold-hearted asshole will never change." You said.

"How about we play some videogames? Hm? Call Of Duty? Soma? Something scary?"

You sat up and patted Taehyung's shoulder, "You always know how to make me smile. All of you." You said. Hoseok smiled and clapped his hands, throwing himself on you and laying there.

"Aigoo! You make my heart melt!"

"H-Hobi you're c-cru-crushing m-me!" You exclaimed, laughing with everyone as Namjoon and Taehyung pulled him off of you and helped you sit up again.

"He loves you too much," Namjoon said.

"Of course he does. I can feel it and see it." You chuckled, squeezing his cheeks together. "Thank God I'm not older than you, aish." You joked.

The three of them gathered the controllers and started turning on the console and TV, Taehyung and you going to grab some drinks and snacks.

You spent the next few hours playing games, laughing, joking around, eating and drinking the Pepsi cans you bought a day ago.

It was 10 pm, a few minutes after they left, and you were cleaning up the mess you 4 had done. You hummed a tune quietly, one you came up with while putting all the cans and empty bags of snacks into a plastic bag.

The sound of the front door echoed throughout the house, hearing a few voices, along with the one you had very familiar. Actually, it turned out to be two.

One was Jimin's, which made your heart speed up in happiness when you heard it. But the second one was deep, you couldn't recognize who it could be.

Either way, you continued cleaning up the mess, putting the controllers away, cleaning the duvet of the bed from the crumbs that had fallen from the snacks.

"Y/n! Come down here! I have a surprise!" Your mother yelled.

"I'm slightly busy, mom! I'll be down soon!" You yelled back, continuing your job. You went into the bathroom and decided to do your small routine of washing your face to remove any makeup you used.

You watched yourself in the mirror, a small smile on your face as you saw how much you changed. Mainly to make Jungkook jealous and regretful, but also to make yourself happy.

After leaving the bathroom, you changed into a comfortable hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, usually what you slept with. You tied your hair in a ponytail, not caring if it was messy.

While heading down the stairs, you looked through your phone, seeing Instagram notifications from the boys liking a picture you posted with them.

You texted them a thank you and that you couldn't wait to see them tomorrow, reaching the bottom of the stairs. "What is it, mom? Who's here?" You asked you made your way to the open kitchen where your mom stood.

"Ah, you'll see now. They both went upstairs to leave their things in the guest room."

You nodded and leaned forward on the counter, looking through Instagram until your ears caught the sound of footsteps. You waited for a bit until a voice called your name.


Your eyes widened slightly. The tone he used, the way he said it sweetly and quietly. You could recognize it immediately. As you slowly turned around with teary eyes, you saw him.

Jeon Jungkook, holding a present in his hand before he stretched his hand out to you, handing it.

"Happy birthday."

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