• Fifteen •

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You turned your head towards the sound of the voice from your room, the door open as the voice echoed through the halls. You smiled, instantly knowing who it was.

You giggled and placed the book down on the bed at the sound of quick steps up the stairs towards the rooms in the dorm. Soon, a tall figure showed up at the doorway.

He was wearing a mask and his bangs hid part of his eyes, making your heart skip a beat. "Hey~," You said.

You watched him close the door and pull his mask off, throwing his bag and coat on the desk by the door before sprinting to you.

You exclaimed when he tackled you into a hug, him laying on top of you as he held you tightly, hearing him hum quietly.

"I missed you so much, baby."

You hugged him back and giggled softly, "I missed you too." You whispered back. It had been 3 weeks you hadn't seen each other since he had started a new tour. You barely kept in contact since he was busy the entire time practicing or performing and at the end of the shows, you were already asleep or he was too tired to talk.

"I'm never leaving again."

You watched him pull away and look into your eyes, his hand moving to your cheek. "It's your dream, Jungkook-ah. Don't give it up for me." You said to him, leaning into his hand as he smiled at you. He leaned down and kissed you, his lips moving on yours slowly as he moved closer.

His free hand caressed your side while he deepened the kiss, your own resting on his sides by his chest. Slowly as the moment started heating up, one hand moved to his hair, pulling it slightly which made him grunt into the kiss.

"D-Don't do that..."

He muttered against your lips, making your cheeks turn slightly pink as he pulled away and decided to place kisses down your neck and collarbone. "Ah~..." You sighed quietly, not wanting the members to hear you. His hands pulled your legs to be around his waist, picking you up so he could move you to the center of the bed and let you sit on his lap for a bit.

He pulled away from your neck and looked up at you, his eyes not sparkling with lust, but need and love. He gulped softly, staring at you while hesitating, his hands on your back starting to shake slightly.

"I-I don't think this is r-right... I-Is it too q-quick? S-Should we s-stop?"

You cut him off by placing your small fingers against his lips, making him shut up as he continued staring at you nervously and in hesitance. "If it was too quick, I would have stopped you way sooner." You replied.

Jungkook smiled and carefully laid you down again, his hand holding his body up above yours. He sat up slowly and started pulling his shirt off, showing his defined abs and strong chest. He blushed along with you, both of you reaching down to carefully remove your shirt.

Once it was off, you covered your chest in embarrassment, feeling insecure to be showing your chest to him after what happened in the past. He used his thumb and index finger to moved your chin so you would look at him, a soft smile on his lips.

"Don't hide. I love you for who you are."

He pulled your hands away, leaning down to leave loving kisses on your chest and stomach, not bothering about your bra.

You hummed quietly, looking down at him. His eyes were closed, making sure each kiss involved his tongue touching your delicate and sensitive skin.

"Y/n, is Jungkook going to be staying for dinner?"

Jungkook quickly pulled away when he heard Solji at the door, his wide eyes staring down at you. "Y-Yeah, he will!" You exclaimed back, hearing footsteps fading away which made the two of you laugh softly.

Jungkook moved to you and placed a kiss on your lips, his hands caressing your thighs softly. You both slowly pulled away and stared into each other's eyes, a soft smile on your lips.

"I think we should do this at a more safe place where we have privacy."

You chuckled at his words, nodding your head softly. "Yeah, I think so too." You said, your hands moving to his cheeks and caressing them.

"I'll take you on a date and we'll go somewhere more private then."

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