· Nineteen ·

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It was morning, the sun shining on your face, making you wake up and whine quietly to yourself

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It was morning, the sun shining on your face, making you wake up and whine quietly to yourself. You felt your head laying on something warm, a chest, specifically, Jungkook's chest. You looked up and saw him still sleeping, lips pouted as his face faced the window, opposite way of yours.

You slowly got up, taking his shirt and throwing it on which surprisingly looked good on your body, reaching your mid thigh. You headed for the kitchen upstairs, trying your best to not make any noise so you wouldn't wake up Jungkook.

You made some coffee and started making the batter for some pancakes, wondering if the boys had loaded the fridge and counter with all the ingredients. You hummed quietly to a tune in your mind, not realizing someone was behind you.

You screamed when you felt arms around your waist and the person spin you around, putting you down as he chuckled. "You scared me!" You shouted, leaning back into his body with your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to."

You felt his lips press on your temple, making you smile softly. "It's okay, just don't do it again if you don't want me to die from a heart attack." You giggled, turning around to face him with a smile, your arms moving around his neck.

"Did you sleep well? Do you hurt anywhere?"

He was asking all worriedly, your heart beating quickly when he pecked your lips and your face all over. "Yes, I slept well and no, I'm not hurting anywhere." You giggled again, squealing when he lifted you up and kissed you passionately.

You wrapped your legs around his waist and giggled along with him. You kissed him back, gasping softly when you felt your naked butt on the counter.

"You're not wearing underwear?"

He pulled away from the kiss while giggling, his wide bunny smile showing. Your cheeks turned red and you hid your face into his neck, feeling him pull you close.

"Did you do it on purpose or you forgot?"

"I-I forgot to put it on..." You stuttered, looking up at him shyly when he pulled away to look down at you. He giggled again and pecked your lips before picking you up again.

He carried you downstairs, your eyes finally seeing he was shirtless and only in his boxers. He laid down with you on top of him, making you giggle softly.

"Let's stay in bed for a bit more."

You stared down at him, your hands caressing his cheeks before you nodded in response. "Sounds good." You said, smiling at him.

You stared into each other'ss eyes softly, not saying a word as you simply tried to realize this was real.

You tried understanding that he loved you back and that you had forgiven him, making the situation feel like a dream.

"You're sitting right on my dick, by the way."

You burst out laughing, sitting up and getting off of him. "Great way to break the moment." You said, getting up and getting your underwear, putting it on.

"Hey, if I didn't say it, it would have been yesterday night all over again."

You turned to him to see him leaning up on his elbows, making you doubt how such a hot and handsome guy was dating you.

"You're staring again." He chuckled.

"I'm just trying to understand why such a handsome guy, who rejected me long ago, is now dating the one he rejected. A.k.a, me." You chuckled.

You watched Jungkook sigh, leaning back down and staring up at the ceiling. You watched him take a deep breath and sigh again, before starting to talk.

"It was a mistake. I let what I thought my friends at the time said to heart. And instead of listening to my real actual friend and person I liked so much, I let them get in my head, those fake assholes who were only friends with me for the supposed 'status' I had."

"I let them get in my head, become someone I wasn't. Even my own mother felt disappointed in me after I told her and she met those people. It was not until her death and when you left that I apologized and begged her for forgiveness until her last words were 'I forgive you, son.'"

You stood there, tears filling your eyes as Jungkook's were already falling down the sides of his face like waterfalls. "K-Kookie."

"I regret it, Y/n. I regret ever letting those fake assholes get in my mind, I regret being like that towards you. When I saw you cry, I felt like my heart was being pulled out of my chest and stepped on. I wanted to apologize, say yes, accept your confession, but what I did is completely the opposite."

You watched him get up and walk towards you, his lips trembling as he sobbed quietly. You felt your heart squeeze in pain, feeling slight warmth as well for him telling you all of the truth.

"I love you so much back then, and I still do now, but, I let those idiots get in my mind and become the person I wasn't. I kept that letter and read it over and over again, crying as my heart broke. Because you, you were my first love and still are."

You sobbed softly, pulling him into a hug and sighing. "Don't apologize. You already showed me that you are sorry." You said softly, kissing his head as his arms held you close and tightly.

"I love you and I regret what I did. If I could go back, I would accept My Crush to be my beautiful girlfriend just like I wanted."

The End


Thank you for reading this book. I know this might be too soon to end the book, but I had it planned for one of my two books to be short. And since I have many things planned for Officer, Please, I decided to make My Crush short since it was finished perfectly.

I will update an epilogue to this book soon, so you can see what happened between you and Jungkook after that.

Thank you for reading Kookies, I love you, and please check out Officer, Please because I'm sure you'll love them.

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