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Tea Of The Day:I really hate when Wattpad doesn't let you use GIF's bigger than 3MB

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Tea Of The Day:
I really hate when Wattpad doesn't let you use GIF's bigger than 3MB. I had to make this one shorter. 😭


"Should I kill him?"

"Hoseok, stop already. The poor guy can't even move around the house without feeling scared." Namjoon said with a sigh.

"That's what he deserves for breaking Y/n's poor heart," Taehyung said.

"Let him be, he already has enough going on in his mind." You muttered, your head leaned back against the couch with your eyes closed, arms crossed over your chest. You felt Taehyung shift slightly on his seat, making your eyes open and glance at him.

"You forgave him?"

"Kind of? I haven't fully, he needs to show me he truly feels sorry for what he did. Although I do feel sorry for him for losing his mother." You sighed, glancing up at the ceiling as a groan filled your ears.

You looked up to see Yoongi was the one to groan since he was trying to sleep on the couch in front of the one you were sitting on. You chuckled as footsteps came closer to you, a small tap on your shoulder that made you look up at the person.

"Y/n, could you come? I need some help with something."

It was Jungkook, making your eyes widen a bit and sit up slightly. "Of cou-" "Why exactly should she go?" Taehyung cut you off, making you slap his chest and glare at him before you got up and headed with Jungkook to the kitchen who was staring at Taehyung in confusion.

"Don't mind him. He tends to not know when to keep his mouth shut." You said, smiling sadly at him as he nodded and sighed. He fiddled with his fingers for a bit before looking up at you, your gazes connecting.

"They know... Don't they?" He whispered.

You gulped nervously and looked away, your heart starting to beat faster. You wanted to stay silent, not tell him about it, but it already was quite obvious the 3 boys hated Jungkook for what he did to you.

They didn't know the full story though, they knew that you confessed and he rejected you in the harshest way. But they didn't know you and Jungkooks used to be best friends and hang out 24/7 with Jimin as well. They didn't know the secret sleepovers you had at Jungkook's house and your house.

The way you would sleep in the same bed, tell each other your worries of the day and how much you hated people hating you for who you were. Maybe that was the reason Jungkook changed. Because students made fun of you, and Jungkook being your friend made him a target as well.

So to save himself, he decided to join them and became the asshole he used to be. Which ended in you starting to hate those days where you spent hours telling him your worries, crying in his chest as he cuddled you, and those where you snuck out late at night to stargaze and do things best friends, or even more, would do.

"I'll take that as a yes."

You sighed and nodded, "Yes, it is you. I'm sorry, it's just that at the time I was mad and I needed to tell someone apart from Jimin and they were there to comfort me and-" You got cut off by Jungkook pressing his index finger on your lips, making you blush heavily.

"I get it. I had Jimin there to yell at me for when I broke your heart and to listen to me after my mom passed away."

You looked down as he moved his hand away and dropped it by his side, the other one tucked in his sweatpants pockets. You smiled softly and looked at him, "I'm glad that at least he was there. I'm sorry about your mom as well." You replied quietly, glancing towards the boys that were laughing and playing around on the couch.

"I used to be like that with my older brother, before my mom... You know..."

At his words, you turned to look at him, seeing that he was watching Taehyung and Hoseok playing around with tears in his eyes. He cleared his throat and sniffed, looking around and turning with his back to you.

"I wanted you to help me with the snacks since they will be staying later."

You nodded and smiled, "Yes, oppa~" You teased, wanting to cheer him up and succeeding when he turned to you with a glare. You chuckled softly and backed away from him when he started walking towards you with a playful smirk, rolling his sleeves up.

"Did you just call me, oppa?"

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