• Fourteen •

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"Oh, my, my, my!"

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"Oh, my, my, my!"


"Love is nothing stronger!"


"Than a Boy With Luv!"


You stood on the stage along with 4 more groups. Twice, TXT, Seventeen, and BTS were there. The boys stood beside you on one side after having performed.

"We will be announcing the winner now!" The MC's said in

You looked at the two MC's there was, both of them starting to pull the paper out of the envelope as the award was held in their hand. Jungkook was by your side, his hand "accidentally" bumping yours to make you look at him with wide eyes.

"Good luck." He whispered.

You smiled and looked back to the front after giggling quietly, waiting with the girls to see if you had won the first place with your song. Even though you didn't expect much since Bangtan was probably the winner. Solji took your hand in hers and smiled nervously towards you, the other girls grabbing each other's hands and praying your group won.

"And the winner is..."

 Your heart sped up as the MC was about to announce the winner. You felt as if the time slowed down, everyone moving slower than usual as you watched Taehyung smiled widely and bite his lips together. The MC's lips parted, a smile showing on her lips as she turned towards the boys.

You already felt your heart start sinking, the hope you had to win leaving your body and mind as you were ready to sigh and look down in disappointment. The hope you had to win faded away as you saw the MC head towards Yoongi who was standing by Jungkook, the boys behind her widening their eyes at the name on the card.

But then, your group's name was announced.

"Krystal gets first place and first ever win!!"

You widened your eyes and gasped, the girls starting to jump out of happiness. You stood there shocked, unable to react or move, Yoongi handing the award to you that the MC had given to him. Solji wrapped her arms around your shoulders and shook you slightly as she squealed in happiness, all of you 7 in tears of happiness and shock.

Your song started playing, your head turning to glance at Jungkook as he proudly smiled at you, his eyes shining with some tears he had as the boys also congratulated you while clapping along with the other groups.

"Ah~ Thank you so much for this award~" You sobbed softly when you talked into the microphone, the crowd cheering at you as you couldn't help but continue sobbing in happiness. The boys from TXT congratulated you, giving you a hug after bowing respectfully.

The groups walked off the stage as you were the only ones left there, singing along to your songs while wide smiles showed on all of your faces, making sure you also thanked the fans and went closer to them.

You stared down at the award in shock, never believing you would even get the chance to win against BTS, Seventeen and TWICE even. One of the 3 most known groups in Korea. "Thank you so much!!" You exclaimed once the song was done, starting to head backstage with the girls.

"Wah! We won! I can't even process it yet!!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

The girls of TWICE were waiting for you so they could congratulate you on your win, Mina moving to hug you as the other girls hugged some of the members. "Congratulations! You deserve it! We listened to the song and it's amazing!" Mina exclaimed, pulling away to pinch your cheeks.

"Ah, thank you!" You said back, bowing respectfully towards the girls. Once you were done talking with them, you headed to your assigned changing room which was right beside BTS. The boys were waiting inside, staff members nowhere to be found.

"Happy win~ to you!!" They all sang, showing a cake with candles on it.

The 6 girls and you started giggling happily, watching the boys walk closer to you as Namjoon held the box with the cake on top. You all blew the candles off and cheered along with the boys, smiling widely as you held the award in your hands.

"Wah! Who would have thought Y/n and the girls would have won first place and left us second?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Oh shut up! You totally knew about it." Solji said jokingly, making Hoseok look away shyly. Jungkook moved to you and took the award carefully from you, a wide smile on his lips. He took your hand after and pulled you into a separate room where you could be alone. 

You watched him walk to the other side and place the award on the table before turning around. You smiled widely when he opened his arms, his own lips turning into a wide smile reflecting yours. With a quick run, you reached him and jumped into his arms, his own arms wrapping around you and holding you close as he held you close.

"I'm so proud of you."

You giggled softly and hid your face in his neck, feeling his lips press on the side of your head before placing you down on your feet again, his hands now on your waist, holding you close still.

"Is this the right moment to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

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