• Seven •

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You were laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling the same way you have been for the past 3 hours

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You were laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling the same way you have been for the past 3 hours. It was 4 AM. You couldn't sleep well after what Jimin told you.

You sighed and turned on your side, starting to nibble on your lip before sitting up on the bed. "I need water..." You mumbled.

After starting to head for the kitchen, you went down the stairs and entered the said room, taking a water bottle from the fridge.

The thought of Jungkook's mother's death hasn't left your mind. It hasn't left the thought that it changed Jungkook so much that he was now kind and caring with you.

You threw away the empty bottle and headed for the bathroom, suddenly freezing by Jungkook's room when you heard whining and unintelligible whispers.

You lifted an eyebrow and hesitated, opening the door just slightly to check in case he was okay. Once the door was open, Jungkook was whining, sobbing quietly.

Tears were falling down his cheeks, whimpers, and sobs leaving his parted lips as his head shook slightly, sweat covering his forehead. You widened your eyes and quietly entered the room.

You quickly headed to his side and hesitated to place your hands on his shoulders to wake him up. "J-Jungkook..." You whispered. Your hands moved to his cheeks, whimpers leaving his mouth.

His eyebrows furrowed, your eyes scanning his sweaty forehead, red cheeks, and trembling lips as he shook around in the bed. He was having a nightmare.


You widened your eyes at his whine, eyes getting slightly teary. You leaned down and place a kiss on his forehead, your hands moving to caress his hair.

Once you pulled away, his eyes snapped open, instantly staring into yours. You gasped quietly when he suddenly hugged you tightly, arms tightly around you while his body trembled against yours.

"P-Please, stay w-with me..."

You widened your eyes a bit more when he pulled you to lay down beside him, quiet whimpers leaving his mouth. You leaned your forehead against his, your eyes staring at his face.

He had calmed down, his arms still tightly wrapped around you while quiet whimpers left his mouth. You smiled softly to yourself, happy and proud that you managed to calm him down.

"Thank you..."

You heard him whisper in his sleep. Your hand moved to his cheek, caressing it softly as you sighed quietly. "You're welcome..." You whispered back.


You were asleep, your head against a warm chest with your hand resting on it too. A warm, strong hand was wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you even warmer than before.

Slight moving caught your attention, making you wake up slowly and glance up at the person moving. Your eyes soon widened when they fell upon Jungkook's wide, tear-filled ones.


You gulped nervously, you had fallen asleep by accident because of his warmth and now you were here. You didn't know how to explain it.

"I-It wasn't a d-dream?"

You heard him mutter to himself, looking away as a small smile grew on his lips. You quickly sat up and tried to get off the bed but his hand stopped you.

You widened your eyes a bit more, tears showing as well as you awaited yet another moment where he would make fun of you as he did before. You looked back at him, his hand tightening slightly.

His eyes widened when your gazes connected, his hand still holding your wrist after grabbing it to make you look at him. Your teary eyes looked into his, his own also getting filled with tears from before.


"I-I'm sorry. I-I fell asleep b-by accident when you w-were having a n-nightmare and Y-You asked me to s-stay and-" You were cut off by his arms pulling you into a warm hug as he sat up.

"Thank you..." He whispered.

You sniffed softly, wrapping your arms around him as well. "Do you tend to have that many nightmares every day?" You asked quietly.

"I-I do... I haven't gotten proper sleep for the past few weeks until now. Thanks to you..."

You pulled away slightly to look at him, your cheeks turning slightly pink as you looked away. "I-It's Saturday and my friends are coming over. I have to go get ready." You said, pulling away and getting up, heading for the door.

"Thank you, Y/n. And I'm sorry again for being an asshole."

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