• Seventeen •

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So, a lot of crap has been going on with me lately and that's why I haven't updated apart from also having exams in 2 days. But I just wanted to take my mind off and get back to writing, so, I wrote this part by doing so :) Please bear with me and don't ask me what happened, I'm done with explaining.


"Jungkook, are you done with your shower?" You asked as you dried your hair with a towel, already dressed in a comfortable outfit so you can go and have dinner with the boys

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"Jungkook, are you done with your shower?" You asked as you dried your hair with a towel, already dressed in a comfortable outfit so you can go and have dinner with the boys. You were waiting for Jungkook since he decided to take a shower after you were done.

"Yes! I'm just getting dressed and fixing my hair." He replied.

You sighed and shook your head, laying the towel carefully on the bed so it could dry. After a few minutes, he finally came out as you fixed your hair, putting some oil in it to make it shiny and soft. "Ready?" You asked, running your hands through your hair before parting it the way you liked.

"Yup, you?"

"Yeah, I am. Let's go or they will think we were having sex or something." You joked, letting out a soft chuckle while taking your bag and phone. You squealed quietly when Jungkook turned you around and made your body collapse back against his, his arms wrapped around your waist.

"I'm leaving that for tonight." He whispered.

You felt a slow shiver make its way up your spine, making you gulp and stare up at him while a soft blush appeared on your cheeks. You slapped his chest and pulled away, "S-Shut up!" You stuttered shyly, quickly making your way to the ground floor from the basement where your room was.

His chuckle echoed throughout the stairs and hallway, making you fan your face as you felt the hotness on it from blushing harder. You knew he loved to tease you, but you also knew how to play. You grabbed your jacket and put it on, waiting for him to come and do the same.

"They are at the restaurant, we'll meet them there and go to the beach where we have the reserved table for us."

You heard him say as he made his way upstairs. You nodded in response, watched him put his jacket on, and walked out with him. He locked the bungalow, taking your hand in his, before walking down the path towards the restaurant.

"Jokes aside, I really want us to have an amazing vacation here. I want to dedicate all my time and love to you."

His words made your heart skip a beat, leaning against his shoulder as you smiled widely. "I would love that. Let's have the most fun possible and also let you rest since I'm sure you're tired from the tour." You said, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.

"I don't care if I'm tired, I care about you."


"It is so beautiful here at night," Taehyung said, all of you walking side by side at the beach. You giggled and nodded, looking up at the sky. "The stars make me so relaxed, it's so pretty." You said, sighing happily.

"The reflection of the moon on the water is so pretty too. I wish I had my camera to take a picture of it."

You turned to Jungkook who was pouting, "Why don't you take a picture with your phone?" You asked, making his eyes widen and quickly do so. You watched him with a smile as he took his phone out and quickly went closer to the shore to take a picture of the moon.

"You make him very happy, Y/n," Namjoon said.

"Huh? Really?" You asked in shock, not expecting Namjoon to say that. "I mean, he didn't stop talking about you when we were on the tour. Saying how he missed you and wanted to see you, take you out on a date. And every time we would joke about him soon marrying you because of how protective and obsessed he is, he would always turn shy and turn into a tomato." He chuckled.

You giggled quietly, staring at the moon's light shining upon Jungkook's face which made you sigh quietly to yourself, a smile resting on your lips. "And I can see the feelings are mutual," Namjoon whispered, smiling at you before walking away with the boys and waving to you.

They left you alone with Jungkook, turning around to see him turn around as well and look around. He made his way to you, eyebrows furrowed while seeing the boys were gone.

"Where are the hyungs?"

"They left to their bungalows." You replied, seeing him nod. He showed you the pictures, letting you see the pretty moon reflecting on the water. You smiled, listening to him fanboy about how good it looked until you got lost in Namjoon's words from earlier.

You smiled widely, staring at Jungkook's sparkling eyes as he looked around and then looked at you, his bunny teeth showing as he smiled back at you. Slight steam came out of his mouth from the warm air reaching the cold air of the night as he let out a short chuckle.

"What is it? You're staring at me."

Placing your hands on his cheeks you pulled his face close to your until your lips connected to his lips, giving him a loving, slow, and sweet kiss. He switched the screen of his phone off before kissing you back, placing his hands on your waist.

You kept the kiss going until you both needed to breathe, pulling away once you were done. "Nothing. Just needed to say that." You whispered, hoping the kiss made him feel what you wanted to say. He chuckled, leaning down and pecking your lips before replying.

"Well, I love you too then."

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