• Six •

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You sat in your room, the still wrapped present resting in your lap as you held it with your hands

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You sat in your room, the still wrapped present resting in your lap as you held it with your hands.

He didn't forget your birthday. You didn't care if he was an asshole, if he rejected you in the worst way possible.

You only though about how he remembered your birthday still. After a year of disappearing, he still remembered it. The soft look on his face, the sad smile he showed to you.

You felt something had happened. Especially after Jimin not telling you they were coming. A knock on your door made your thoughts disappear, your head snapping towards the sound.

"Y/n? May I come in?" Jungkook asked.

Your eyes widened, "Yes! Just a second!" You exclaimed, putting the gift in your closet so he couldn't see you havent opened it yet.

Soon after the door to your room opened, revealing Jungkook with some type of envelope in his hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" You asked.

Jungkook smiled and slowly walked into the room, stopping in front of you. He stretched his hands out slightly, your hands falling upon the very familiar envelope.

"This... belongs to you."

You heard him sigh softly, your hands slowly taking it from him. The envelope he had ripped apart, the one you used to confess your feelings, was perfectly stocked together again.

It was perfect, despite the ripped part in the middle. You parted your lips in shock, incoherent words leaving your throat.

"I... know I was a really huge asshole. I was immature and stupid. I didn't know what could hurt you and what couldn't. I kept the letter and read it, the words were very sweet."

You watched him smile softly as he stared at the letter, "Y-You read it?" You asked in a whisper, unable to use a normal tone from the shock you were in.

"Yes. I read it every single time after what happened with my m-mother..."

Tears started showing in his eyes that were very clear to you, making you gulp in worry. "What happened to her? Is she okay?" You asked quietly.

"Y/n! Jimin! Jungkook! Dinner is ready!"

Jungkook quickly looked up at you and then turned around, not answering your question.


You watched him quickly leave the room while rubbing his eyes, making you sigh. You felt even more worried and slightly confused. What could have happened to his mother for him to find comfort in you confession note?

With a sigh, you carefully placed the note on the bed and started heading downstairs. You saw Jimin exiting his room at the same time as you, making you grin.

"Jimin~" You sang, his eyes widening as he gulped. "Well, shit." He said, running inside his room the moment you started running towards him.

He had enough time to close the door and hold it closed as you banged your fists on it. "Jimin! Open the goddamn door now!" You yelled, your voice echoing down the hallway and throughout the entire house.

"Y/n, please let me explain. Don't kill me."

You snorted and glared at the door, moving away while crossing your arms over your chest. "I can't promise anything." You replied, seeing the door open to a small crack big enough to see Jimin's eye looking through it.

"I'll explain."

You heard Jimin, waiting for him as he opened the door enough for you to squeeze into his room. "You are lucky enough I held my urge to kick the door open and slam it against your face." You said. It was all sarcasm though, Jimin knew you wouldn't actually hit him. Or so he hoped...

"Look, I know it's all too sudden and I know you're probably mad about the fact that I suddenly come here along with Jungkook and all."

You listened to him as he closed the door and turned to you, his face filled with worry and sadness. "What happened now? I've seen that same look on Jungkook and I know it too well." You said in a quiet voice, your anger vanishing as you slowly sat down on the bed when Jimin made you, him sitting down beside you.

"It's about Jungkook. It's the reason why he became so... Sad and different."

You gulped nervously and sighed, hating how your heart sped up in worry for him. "What happened? Please, just get to the point." You said quickly, needing to know what happened. With Jimin letting a sigh, your eyes saw his fall down to his lap and his hands taking yours.

"His mother passed away a few weeks ago..."



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