• Thirteen •

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"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

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"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

You looked back at Jungkook to see him smiling, his chin on your shoulder. You hummed, "Of course I am. I'll be able to see you guys win an award."  You replied. Currently, you two were sitting on your bed, him behind you with his arms around your waist as he watched you eat noodles.

"You should eat too." You said, taking the small box with noodles and handing it to him. He kissed your cheek and hummed. You could already feel he wanted to do something else. You turned to him and saw him grinning.

"I would enjoy it more if you feed me instead."

You chuckled softly, watching him as he pulled away from you and then lifted you with no problem, sitting you down on his lap. You wrapped your legs around his waist, seeing him do a perverted face.

"Never knew I'd enjoy this so much."

You blushed and slapped his chest, making him hiss and chuckle. His face turned back to his cute, loving one. "Here." You said, taking some noodles with your chopsticks and moved it to his lips. He caressed your back as he took the bite of noodles, slurping softly.

You giggled softly as he hummed, chewing on the food while staring at you with a soft smile, his bunny teeth showing. You blushed softly, staying silent and taking a bite as well while looking down at his chest.

"You're so cute, you know that?"

You looked up at him with slightly wide eyes after eating the bite, your cheeks puffed out making you look like a hamster. He leaned in and placed a peck on your lips, smiling when you jumped slightly.

He giggled softly, placing continuous pecks on your lips which made you giggle as well. He finally stopped, letting you chew on the food and swallow it. You finished eating your noodles, placing the cup on the nightstand and wrapping your arms around Jungkook's neck.

"I can't stand not kissing you for more than 5 minutes."

You smiled as he pecked your lips again, "You're so weird." You chuckled, squealing when he laid you down and hovered over you, placing kisses all over your face. "Ah! Stop!" You squealed, feeling him hug you and press his forehead against yours.

"Okay, I will."

You stared into his eyes as he stared back into yours, the two of you smiling softly. He leaned down and kissed you, his lips moving against yours slowly. The sound of the front door opening echoed through the house, the two of you slowly pulling away and chuckling when Jimin called your name out.

"Ah, of course, they came too."

You saw him roll his eyes, pecking his lips and humming. "It's fine. They probably want to check on me too." You replied, getting up with his help.

The moment you went to the door and opened it, you were tackled into a hug by two people. One you recognized very well as Jimin, and the other, the more tight and excited one-


You heard Hoseok exclaim into your ear, making you chuckle softly. Jungkook pulled them both away from you and glared, the boys laughing at his jealousy.

"Ooh~ Kookie is jealous~~"

Taehyung chanted, squealing when Jungkook started chasing him down the stairs. Hoseok hugged you again, this time in a more brotherly way.

"I missed you so much, Y/n~"

You hugged him back and sighed softly. "I missed you too, Hobi." You whispered. You widened your eyes when the boys all joined the hug, chuckling softly.

"We all missed you," Namjoon said.

"What were you doing alone with Jungkook? Do I have to beat his ass?" Seokjin said after.

You chuckled and shook your head, "He just took care of me. He brought me medicine and food." You replied. You weren't sure if you and Jungkook were dating.

Jungkook didn't ask you yet and you weren't really sure if his feelings were real or just a joke to make you feel bad again.

Seokjin hummed and just nodded in response, smiling at you before pulling away along with everyone else. "Let's go, we brought pizza to eat for dinner," Sooyoung said.

The 12 of you went downstairs, seeing Jungkook and Taehyung already attacking the poor pizza, their cheeks puffed out at their stuffed mouths.

"You couldn't even wait for us?!" Seokjin exclaimed.

"I was hungry though."


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Couldn't help it. Sorry, not sorry. 😂

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