• Four •

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"Y/n! Namjoon!"

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"Y/n! Namjoon!"

You looked up the moment you heard the warmest and sweetest voice shout towards you when you entered the high school. You smiled and chuckled as you and Namjoon started making your way towards the origin of the voice.

"Hoseok-ah, people in the high school already know our names thanks to you." You said with a chuckle, widening your eyes when he suddenly hugged you tightly, squealing softly out of complete happiness.

"Happy birthday! You pabo!"

You let out a short giggle and sighed, "It's my birthday already?" You asked in disbelief. You were finally turning 18. "Of course it is. We need to celebrate. That's why I invited Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin, and you to come to my house after lunch." Namjoon butted in, placing his arm around your shoulders.

"Forget about that idiot, Juancock, Jeonkock or whatever! It's your special day!"

You chuckled at Hoseok attempt at remembering Jungkook's name, making you smile. "It's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." You said, receiving a glare from him. "Ah, yes. I think its that." You corrected yourself, earning a chuckle from Namjoon and him.

"Where is our beautiful birthday girl?"

You turned and looked at the person behind you who was hiding something behind their back. "Oh, Taehyung-ah." You said in surprise, not knowing he was back from his trip. "You're back?" You asked.

"Hm, I'm not getting a hug?" He pouted.

You instantly ran to his side and jumped into his arms, squealing when he spun you around and you two laughed, his arms tightly around you. "I ship them," Hoseok whispered to Namjoon. "Stop shipping them. They are just close friends." A deep, groggy voice said from behind them.

"Ah, Yoongi hyung," Hoseok said in surprise, watching him walk to their side. "Those two are really close friends, if they do develop feelings for each other, I just have the feeling that someone will get in between and one of them will end up hurt." Yoongi sighed.

"Aigoo, Yoongi hyung. You and your future seeing." Namjoon joked, making Hoseok and Yoongi chuckle. "No but really. Don't you see a weird thing happening between them and someone else? Like, a love triangle?" Yoongi asked.

The three of them watched as you and Taehyung bickered around, him teasing you with his height being tall by holding your present up high where you couldn't reach it. You cursed him and kept laughing, trying to climb his muscular structure to reach the wrapped object.

"Yah! Taehyung!" You yelled. He finally lowered down your gift and handed it to you, making you smile and squeal excitedly. You started ripping the gift paper apart, wanting to see the gift already.

"Oh God, Tae." You said with wide eyes. The boys all gathered around you, wanting to see the gift as well. "Oh, wow. Taehyung~ Someone likes you~" Hoseok teased, making Taehyung blush.

"I-It's just a gift! I wanted it to be special."

"Taehyung, it's beautiful

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"Taehyung, it's beautiful." You said in shock, holding it in your hand as you stared up at him with a warm gaze. You felt your heart skip a beat, never thinking that would ever spend so much money on a simple gift for you.

"I want you to wear it always. That way I know our friendship is special."

You smiled widely, nodding like crazy and letting out a giggle as he took the necklace from you and place it around your neck. The boys watched with soft smiles as well, Hoseok clapping his hands. "Let's go or we'll be late for class." He said quickly.

After that, they all followed after him, Taehyung walking at the back with you while staring at your chest where the necklace hung down. "What is it?" You asked, looking up at him after seeing him constantly staring at the necklace.

"Nothing... It just looks as good as I imagined."

You blushed and entered the classroom along with Hoseok and Namjoon. You sat on your assigned seats which luckily were together. You and Taehyung sat together, while Namjoon and Hoseok sat right behind you. "Okay, class! I have an announcement to make!" The teacher exclaimed.

You looked to the teacher as everyone else did, including Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hoseok. "It's probably about the new students!" Hoseok squealed quietly to Namjoon. You giggled quietly and shook your head, opening your notebook since you weren't really that interested in new classmates news.

"The two new classmates will be joining us tomorrow. They are both coming from Busan and will be finishing their last 2 years here in SOPA with us." The teacher explained. You felt a slight sting on your heart at the mention of Busan, your hometown, but you ignored it and started writing down notes on your notebook.

"The students' names are Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin."

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