• Eleven •

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The next day in the morning, your eyes opened to the sunlight shining through the window of your room

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The next day in the morning, your eyes opened to the sunlight shining through the window of your room. Your stomach was jumping around, making you feel sick and sigh.

You sat up and placed your hand on your stomach, "I shouldn't have eaten so much." You groaned, gagging all of a sudden which made you quickly run out of your room and into the bathroom down the hall, nearly not making it.

"Omo! Y/n! Are you okay?"

You couldn't reply to the member asking you if you were alright, too busy throwing up your intestines into the toilet. The other members went into your room once you were done.

"Jeez, what did you eat?" Eun Ji asked.

You groaned and closed your eyes, suddenly getting your head pulled slightly back and a hand being placed on your forehead. "You have a fever." Eun Ji said again.

You sighed and got up, flushing the toilet and brushing your teeth quickly. "I'll stay home, you girls go and practice. Tell the manager I'm sick." You said quietly, the girls smiling sadly at you.

They knew you hated being sick, especially on days you were so close to your comeback. "Do you want me to call someone?" Sooyoung, the oldest one asked.

You shook your head, "No. I'll be fine. I'll have some medicine and done." The girls nodded in response and some hugged you before leaving towards their rooms to get ready.

You went to the kitchen to check for some medicine but found none, cursing quietly. "Okay. We'll get going!" Sooyoung said, the 6 girls at the front door as they carried their bags.

You waved your hand as they left, a soft tired smile on your lips. The door closed and your smile instantly disappeared, your body twisting as you leaned over the counter of the kitchen, groaning out in pain. "Fuck me..."

Your eyes opened after sighing, pulling yourself up. You drank a glass of water before hearing the doorbell go off, making you sigh. "These girls..." You muttered.

Heading to the door, you ran a hand through your bed hair and sighed again, preparing yourself for their tantrum. "Girls, I told you I'll be-" You cut yourself when you weren't met by the girls but a tall, masculine and strong figure.

You widened your eyes and gulped softly, your chapped lips parting. The man was wearing a mask and a beanie, all you could see were his soft, worry holding chocolate eyes staring deep into yours.

"I told you-you shouldn't have eaten so much, Y/n~"

You instantly recognized the worried voice that came out as a whine. You smiled softly and let him in, "You still worry. Huh, Jungkookie?" You said, jumping on his back and closing the door once he was inside.

"Of course I do. You're my best friend. Best friends worry for each other."

You jumped down and sighed, hugging his waist softly. "How did you know?" You asked softly, feeling him turn around and lift his hand to your cheek.

"Surprisingly, your dorms are close to mine and I was in a walk when I saw the other members."

You nodded softly, seeing him lean in slowly and place his lips on your forehead. Your heart started racing, eyes closing as he kept his lips there for a while.

Jungkook and you had managed to fix the big dislike between you two had previously 4 years ago. You grew closer, became best friends.

It was obvious you still had feelings for him, they never faded. But you denied it to yourself. Denied you actually loved him.

"You have a fever."

You heard him whisper, his lips pulling away from your forehead. You glanced up at him, his parted lips inches away from yours. Your cheeks were red as well, blushing in shyness.

"I-I know... T-The girls saw that..." You stuttered back, turning away and clearing your throat as you heard him sigh. The sound of a plastic bag filled your ears, making you look back.

"I bought some medicine and some food. Go and lay down, I'll bring it in a bit."

You nodded softly, leaving the kitchen and heading to your room. You heard something hit the counter and Jungkook's sigh, his mumbles echoing through the hallway.

After sitting on your bed and covering your legs. You waited for him to go to you, his footsteps reaching your ears as he went into the room with a tray in his hands. He smiled, placing the tray on your lap.

"Eat and have the medicine. You need to get better soon. My heart hurts when you're sick."

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