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You sat on your seats, clapping along with the crowd as the lights on the stage started turning on and shining upon the 7 boys on stage.

You smiled softly, recognizing the first song as No More Dream. You knew the group and listened to their songs, but never really had the chance to actually get to know them or anything. You were very busy with your own songs and the group since your manager always saw something he didn't like about you and made you practice extra hours.

But lately, he was starting to see you were also human and that you also get tired and need rest, so he let you choose what you wanted to do sometimes like he let the others. 

You nodded your head as the song continued on, the boys on stage singing along. You hummed quietly, appearing on the screen as the crew member focused the camera on you. You smiled and waved, singing along with one of the members.

You looked towards the stage again, seeing the members had gone closer to the seats where all the idols were, including you and your group. Once your eyes came in contact with one of the member's, they became wide, your heart beating faster and your breath hitching in your throat.

After years, you never thought you would see each other face to face, or that at least he wouldn't see you. You quickly looked away as the boy's eyes widened, soon returning to their normal size as he kept his stage presence as usual.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom." You said to one of the members, waiting to see her nod in response before walking away towards the bathroom at a quick pace. You swallowed down the lump in your throat and entered the empty bathroom, running a hand through your hair.

"No... How?! No! He now knows I'm here! He still remembers me?!" You exclaimed to yourself, covering your face with your hands softly. You heard the music come to an end, noticing the voices from outside the bathroom get louder as people and staff walked around the hallways. You took a deep breath and sighed, heading back for your seat.

But the moment you opened the door, you met the familiar face again, nearly bumping into his chest. Eyes widening and heart tightening in your chest, your eyes slowly glanced up at the man's face, your lips parting in shock.

"Hey, long time no see. Y/n."

You stared up at the man in shock, the tears that were in his eyes making your own show in your eyes. "J-Jungkook..." You muttered quietly, letting out a shaky breath. You felt his hand softly move to your cheek, his thumb brushing against the skin.

"You've gotten so beautiful in the past 4 years. I couldn't believe my eyes."

You smiled along with him, the two of you looking down shyly. "Jungkook!!" You heard someone shout, looking behind along with him to see a staff member waving him over. He gave the man a thumbs up and took his phone out, handing it to you.

"Put your number in. I'll text you later. The guys will be so happy."

With a smile, you took the phone and put in your number quickly to not slow him down. "Here." You said while handing his phone back. He leaned down and pecked your cheek, a soft smile resting on his lips as he yet again made your heart race.

"See you, Y/n." He whispered.

You watched him with soft eyes as he walked away, your hands shaking as you sighed. "Jeez. I'm always so nervous." You said to yourself, returning to your seat. "Are you okay, Y/n?" The member beside you asked worriedly since you had taken a lot of time in the bathroom.

"Yeah, sorry. The bathroom was full so I had to wait for a free stall." You replied quickly, smiling softly. Your eyes soon fell upon the 7 figures that were heading towards you, to the seats beside you.

The boys had wide smiles on their lips when they saw you, waving excitedly. Yoongi high five'd you when he was by your side, taking a seat beside Jungkook who had been quick enough to take the seat beside you.


You looked to your side at Jungkook as Twice took the stage. "Hey." You simply replied back, the two of you chuckling softly while turning to the stage. You had your hands resting on your lap, soon feeling a presence near them which made you look down, seeing Jungkook's hand enveloping yours.

"It had been long since I held your hand." He whispered.

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