• Eighteen •

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You and Jungkook entered your bungalow once you reached the front door, his hand holding yours as he headed inside

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You and Jungkook entered your bungalow once you reached the front door, his hand holding yours as he headed inside. You both went down the stairs and to the room you were going to share.

He closed the door behind you and face you, slowly backing towards the bed before sitting down when the back of his knees touched the edge of the bed.

His eyes sparkled while you moved closer to him, his arms wrapping around your waist. You shared a wide smile before leaning down and kissing him sweetly.

His hands moved to the back of your thighs, pulling you down so you would sit down on his lap. Your legs rested beside his muscular ones, sitting on his lap.

He pulled away slowly and leaned down to your neck, starting to leave kisses while trailing down to your exposed shoulder. His hands grabbed the hem of your shirt and removed it slowly, his eyes traveling around your torso as he smiled.

"You're so beautiful..."

He moved a hand into your hair, slowly leaning back until his back hit the mattress.

He kissed you deeply and hummed into the kiss as your hands worked on unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his muscular torso.

You couldn't hold yourself, so you went straight to placing kisses on his chest, trailing down to his abs and the hem of his pants.

The feeling of your kisses made him arch his back, a shaky moan leaving his lips while his head went back.

Your hands unbuttoned his pants, his head moving to look down at you with his lips bitten together.

You slid his pants and boxers off, reaching up to unclasp your bra as you sat up. His member was hard and twitching in need, eyes never leaving yours as you slid your bra off slowly and threw it on the floor.

His hands reached the hem of your jeans, sitting up so he could pull them off easily, followed by your panties. He threw both items of clothing on the floor.

"Isn't it your first?" He whispered.

You only nodded, positioning yourself on his lap again. You took a blanket and he helped you wrap it around your bodies in case someone came in or anything.

"It is. But I don't mind being top for my first." You whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck before kissing him.

You moved one hand down to his dick and put the tip against your core, slowly lowering yourself. You let out a high pitch moan, eyebrows furrowing as his hands gripped your hips.

He let out a choked groan, leaning his forehead against yours once you were fully lowered.

"Move whenever you're ready."

You nodded slowly, staring into his eyes while your hands moved into his hair. Your hips slowly rolled forward, making you hiss but keep moving.

His hands caressed your back as it arched, your hips slowly moving back and forth in a romantic and slow pace.

"You're so tight, Y/n." He whispered.

"You're very big too." You replied, the two of you chuckling softly. You rested one hand on his thigh behind you, starting to slowly lift yourself up and lower down, your eyes closing in pleasure.

"Oh, crap~"

"Yes~ Same~" You whispered back, head tilting to the side as he helped you move with his hands. You moaned out quietly, slowly starting to pant shakily.

"This was worth the wait." He chuckled.

"Oh, it definitely was~" You replied, your hips starting to move slightly faster, moving at a normal pace. Jungkook buried his face in your neck, moving his hips against yours instead which made you moan louder, his pace slightly quicker than yours.

"Ah, shit! I'm getting closer!"

You dug your nails in his back, too overwhelmed of the pleasure to even reply. You buried your face in his shoulder, biting and sucking on his skin.

"Your hair is tickling my back~ It's adding even more feelings to the pleasure."

You squealed softly when he went slightly deeper, your back arching which made the blanket fall off your shoulders and to your waist.

You let out a louder moan as something weird released your stomach, making you feel even more pleasure while you got tighter around his dick.

"Oh, shit!"

You felt your back hit the mattress as he hovered over you, changing your positions. He thrust a few more times before pulling out, stroking his dick and shooting his sperms on your lower stomach.

He panted heavily, slowly collapsing on top of you, his forehead on yours. "Wow, that was crazy..." You whispered, chuckling softly as your hands moved to his cheeks.

"Yeah, it was. I guess we did okay with waiting."

You pulled him down for a kiss, humming quietly before pulling away. "Who would have thought that my crush would in the end like me back after such a hurtful rejection?" You chuckled, teasing him slightly.

He groaned and buried his face into your neck, hugging you close and whining. You giggled softly at him, caressing his hair as he sighed.

"Don't remind me of what I regret the most."

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