• Sixteen •

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You waited in the living room of your dorms for Jungkook to come and get you

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You waited in the living room of your dorms for Jungkook to come and get you. You were dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a pink hoodie. You had the formal backpack you used to take everywhere whenever you went out with the girls.

You were nervous, your hands shaking slightly. Jungkook had told you he would take you out for dinner after the previous happening where you two lost control. You jumped slightly when the doorbell went off, standing up.

"It's probably your boyfriend." Sohyung teased.

You blushed and went to the front door, nervously opening the door after making sure it was Jungkook. You saw he was dressed in jeans and a shirt tucked into his pants, a coat on as well.

You looked down at the bouquet of flowers he had brought handing it to you shyly. You took it and smiled widely, letting him in and closing the door.

You saw a backpack was on his back, making you slightly confused and wondering where exactly he was taking you.

You placed the bouquet in a vase with water, turning to Jungkook after. He smiled at you and moved closer, placing his hands on your cheeks.

"Did you prepare your bag?"

You nodded in response, pointing to the bag by the couch which he glanced at after. He nodded and turned to look at you again, leaning down and kissing you sweetly.

After smiling into the kiss and kissing him back, he slowly pulled away and took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers.

"We are going on a small vacation. We'll be gone for a few days."

You looked up at Jungkook and then at the girls in the kitchen where they were having dinner. "Okay!" They said back, showing you a thumbs up and a wave.

You two left the dorms and headed for the van that was going to take you to where you were going. He put your bag in the trunk where his was, getting in the back seats with you.


"Very." You said, leaning your head on his shoulder and playing with his hand as the van took off. He leaned his head on your and sighed happily.

"It took me a lot of work to make everyone say yes to the plans."

You chuckled, looking up at him with a smile. "Really?" You asked, his hand moving to caress your cheek softly.

"Yes. They didn't want to come but in the end, they said yes."

"I'm glad. The boys and you deserve a vacation." You sighed, leaning into his hand. He pecked your lips and stared down at you, his thumb caressing your cheek.

"That's why we're here now."


Your eyes widened as you looked at the place

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Your eyes widened as you looked at the place. "Wow! This is so beautiful!" You exclaimed. Jungkook chuckled softly, taking your bags from the trunk.

You were guided to the bungalow you were going to share with Jungkook. You smiled widely as your heart raced in excitement.

"The girls would be so jealous right now!" You exclaimed, entering the bungalow and starting to jump happily

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"The girls would be so jealous right now!" You exclaimed, entering the bungalow and starting to jump happily. Jungkook put the bags down and bowed towards the man before he left, closing the door.

"You seem excited."

You giggled at his obvious remark, turning to him. "Of course! Just look at this!" You exclaimed back, waving your hands around. You turned with your back to him, hands on your cheeks as your eyes sparkled, looking around the beautiful place.

You felt his arms wrap around your waist, making you pull your hands away from your cheeks and look at him. You smiled when he pecked your lips softly.

"I'm happy that you are happy."

You giggled softly, turning back to look at the place. You leaned your head back, admiring how Jungkook had dedicated so much time to get all this planned out.

The inside of the bungalow made you excited, waiting to see what else Jungkook had planned out for you two apart from spending time with the boys

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The inside of the bungalow made you excited, waiting to see what else Jungkook had planned out for you two apart from spending time with the boys.

You turned around and wrapped your arms around Jungkook's neck, kissing him deeply to show your love and gratitude for what he was done for you.

With a smile resting on your lips, he started moving back towards the stairs leading to the basement, picking you up which made you squeal.

"We should take a shower and then meet up with the boys before our little date."


I had this chapter started and nearly finished, so, I decided it finish it now and update it for you guys to read ^^

Love you kookies 😍💜

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