❄️ Chapter 24 ❄️

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a bit long so I totally get it if you get bored...

*Sheds a tear*

No, but fr, enjoy. Leave your thoughts in the comments. 

Okay, Imma go now bye!!!!!!!


After she had leaves I find myself slumped against the front door. If she just wanted to tell me that, why was she in the living room? 

Thinking this to myself, I make myself stand up and walk towards the living room door. I widen the crack and my eyes shoot straight at the bomb explosion looking mess.

Our modern white bookcase stands, bare of all its belongings. The books are scattered all over the wooden floor as if she was looking for something.

The cushions are dotted all over the floor creating a sea of colour. The glass coffee table is tilted to the side, it isn't extremely noticeable but I notice.

Before going back up stairs I rearrange all the muddled furniture. I don't want my parents to see the mess when they wake up.


Back in my bed, I try to think up of reasons why she would be looking for something. Maybe she thinks I have something worth stealing. I mean the only valuable things I own are my Anne-Marie CD collection.

Why would she want that? I know she's bomb and all but that's just not on. Or maybe she was trying to borrow a copy of the Harry Potter series. If she was she didn't have to trash the whole room. 

I furrow my eyebrows at how stupid I sound. This is what happens when I think, dangerous things happen when I think. I probably shouldn't think. I really should go to some type of mental hospital seriously!

And with that thought, I doze off.


A few days later. Sometime in the afternoon.

The date on my phone read "21/02/19". 

My emotions about Feb have changed. First I was shocked, then I was angry, then I was sad and now...I don't know. Annoyed? I guess.

I haven't seen him since the night we kissed and I think it's better I just forget about him. Him and his...perfect green eyes that make my legs go weak, his...sharp jawline that could slice through anything, his brown hair that puts Rapunzel's to shame, his...lips... OKAY THIS IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING!!

I shake the thoughts out of my head and resume reading my book. Anything to get my mind off of him.

I still want to confront him and yell at him and ask why he played me. I know I'm such a drama queen, I've heard it all before. 

The 28th is fast approaching and I remember that I won't see him for a whole year, I don't want to though...just making that clear......

But how is April here if it's not her month? Did he lie? Are months allowed to come down whenever they please?

I need to talk to him, even if he doesn't want to talk. He needs to explain what's going on because I'm so confused.

But how am I gonna get out of this house? All the windows are covered and I don't know where the keys are. 

I really wish I was able to shape wood into whatever I wanted. Too bad I can't.

I could try and pick the front door with a bobby pin...but, unfortunately, I wasn't blessed with those abilities.

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