Chapter 4

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Watching his brother drive off, hits Sam like a ton of bricks. He sighs slightly, hoping Dean will be safe as he drives off to wherever he is going. Sam decides that he'll ask Castiel to help him research a little more about the vampires until Dean comes back, and they have a plan, but as he enters the room, Castiel is gone.

The soft sound of ruffling feathers fills the Impala as Castiel appears, his hand over Dean's and his body draped over the other man's. He is in awe of the way Dean moves, the feeling of both of their hands on Dean's member. The elder Winchester is beautiful at this moment, and it takes Castiel's breath away. He leans close to Dean's ear. "Hello, Dean," he breathes.

Dean's eyes fly open at the sound of Castiel's voice, and breath, on his ear. He slightly jumps as he attempts to pull his pants back up and cover himself a deep blush rushing to his face. "Cas, what the fuck?" He gasps, almost choking on air.

Castiel takes a firm grip on Dean's pants, keeping them in place down around his legs. The feel of Dean's body against his when he jumps feels welcoming, and he holds the man's hand in place on his still hard cock. "Calm down," Castiel whispers, his voice mingling with the music playing on the radio. He places his lips to Dean's, coaxing his tongue into the man's mouth.

Dean's eyes widen as Castiel's lips find his as he struggles once more before relaxing into the kiss. Closing his eyes tightly, he allows his mouth to be invaded by the angel's tongue with a soft moan. He returns the kiss with a hunger, moving his free hand to the back of Castiel's head, digging his fingers into his dark, soft hair, tugging gently. He begins pumping himself again with Castiel's hand still over his own as he bites down firmly on Castiel's bottom lip.

Castiel groans and rides Dean's leg between his own. Freeing his hand from Dean's pants, he moves it to Dean's throat.

Dean gasps as a hand grips his neck, and his eyes narrow at Castiel.

Pressing slightly, Castiel wills him to calm down. "Stop moving, Dean," he commands, gripping his hand that is fisting his erection. Tangling his hands in Dean's shirt, Castiel pulls, ripping the fabric from the center, exposing the other man's naked chest.

"Shut up." A low growl escapes Dean's throat as Castiel tears his shirt, his pupils dilating as he looks up at the angel. Dean smirks as he brings his hips up as they grind into Castiel's. He begins thrusting again as his eyes shut before his head falls back onto the seat, a moan falling from his lips.

Dipping his head, he stills Dean's hand with his own, gripping his neck tighter. "You are mine, Dean. I will have everyone know." Castiel lays his teeth into the spot right above Dean's left nipple, biting hard again, leaving a set of teeth and another bruise. "You will come when I say you come, do you understand?" Castiel raises his eyes to lock on to Dean's, the command clear.

Dean groans as Castiel's teeth sink into the sensitive skin causing his hips to buck upwards once more. His eyes narrow as they look back into Castiel's. He lets out a sigh as he closes his eyes and tries to relax. Finally, Dean's body stills as he licks his lips.

Working at Dean's sex again, Castiel does not remove his hand from his neck. He grips Dean's hand. "Open your eyes, Dean, look at me," Castiel commands, stroking at a painfully slow pace.

A throaty moan escapes Dean's mouth as the stroking starts up again. He swallows hard as Castiel's words float into his ears. A crooked smile plays at the edge of Dean's lips as he keeps his eyes tightly shut. "Make me," he challenges.

Castiel grins down at the man, making their hands move a fraction faster, the friction from two hands, causing the silky skin to warm up. Bending down, Castiel licks a long line from Dean's navel to his right nipple, latching on, and grips his neck tighter. He sucks hard, his teeth nipping at the nub in his mouth, unable to stop the moan in his throat from the taste of the man he's savoring.

Dean moans as his hips begin to thrust up again, craving the friction of their hands. His back arching as Castiel's mouth teases his nipple. "Casssss...." he groans, biting down on his bottom lip.

Trailing his path higher, Castiel breathes into Dean's ear, circling it with his tongue as his body presses closer, riding the other man's leg slowly, their hands mirroring the speed. "Yes, Dean?" Castiel whispers in his ear.

Dean licks his lips as he feels Castiel's cock grinding into his leg. He inhales as Castiel's tongue assaults his ear. Dean brings his free hand up, reaching for the angel's belt and waistband in a silent answer.

Castiel moves his hand from Dean's neck, lowering it to stop him from unbuckling his pants. He looks at Dean's face; a grin shadowed on his lips. "No, Dean." Jerking at Dean's manhood harder and in a sharper motion to strike home the command. Castiel licks the side of Dean's face, enjoying the stubble on his mouth, looking into his face again, willing the other man to open his eyes.

A growl forms deep within Dean's chest at Castiel's motion that causes his hips to jerk up grinding into him. He bites his lip hard and tilts his head at the feel of Castiel's tongue on his jaw. He exhales. "Fuck you," he whispers, his voice low and raspy while still refusing to open his eyes.

"We'll get to that, someday, Dean," Castiel says matter of factly. Castiel forces his tongue inside Dean's mouth once again, grinding harder on his leg, and gripping his hand tighter, bringing the other man to the edge. Just as it seems Dean is about to spill, Castiel disappears, a flurry of feathers sound in the car. Dean's clothes are together in one piece, his pants fastened, as there is a knock on the window.

"Good evening, is everything okay, sir?" The police officer knocks on the window, looking in on Dean as he's lying back on the seat.

Dean's eyes dart open as he jumps, sitting up straight. What in the actual fuck. He blinks, feeling disorientated, noticing it's getting dark outside. His eyes meet the police officer. Dean sighs, rubbing his face slightly before rolling the window down. He smiles politely at the officer clearing his throat. "Yeah, just got a little tired and decided to pull over, officer," he nods quickly, glancing down at his clothing that is now in one piece, and his jeans and belt securely fastened.

"That's good to hear that you're proactive about driver safety. If you've rested enough, you may want to find a motel to get some good sleep. The roads aren't exactly safe for sleepy drivers. There should be a motel a little up the way in town. Do you need directions?" The officer asks, his eyes neutral as he looks over Dean and the inside of his car.

Dean grins, shaking his head as he goes to fasten his seat belt. "No, I'm good. Thanks a lot, though," he sighs, putting his hands on the wheel and shuts his eyes tightly. How long had he been out here? Dean rubs the back of his neck and tries to push the thoughts of Castiel out of his mind. 

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