Chapter 17

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Dean's eyes flutter open, a brief moment of panic sweeps over him and he reaches out finally finding Castiel. He relaxes, allowing a yawn to escape his throat as he stretches out in the bed looking to Cas with a sleepy smile, "Mornin' Sunshine."

"Good morning, Dean," Castiel replies, "is everything okay? Did you sleep well?" His voice low.

"Like a baby." Dean grins up at him before sitting up at the end of the bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He scoops up his boxers and pajama pants putting them on quickly before tossing Cas his discarded clothes as well. "Need coffee." He says through a yawn.

Castiel gets dressed quickly, "I understand," he follows him out into the hallway, padding barefoot quietly down the passage and into the kitchen. He nods at Sam, who is sitting at the table eating cereal. "Good morning, Sam."

Sam chokes on his food as Dean and Cas walk in together. His face becomes slightly flushed and he turns his eyes to the bowl in front of him. "Good morning, Cas," he mumbles.

Castiel takes a seat next to the younger brother, trying to catch his eye from under his hair. "Is something wrong? Are you okay, Sam?" Castiel inquires.

"Ummmm, no. I mean I'm fine," Sam stammers, "so how'd you sleep?" He grimaces, knowing full well that Cas doesn't sleep... and blowing the only chance of him acting like he didn't know what happened last night.

"Sam, you know I don't sleep," Cas points out, "are you sure you're okay?" Castiel asserts again.

Sam looks over at his brother, trying to get him to help dig himself out of the hole he finds himself in.

Dean walks straight for the coffee pot, grabbing himself a mug down from the cupboard. He pours the liquid in the mug before turning his attention to the men seated at the table, he leans back against the counter taking a sip of coffee. His eyes narrow watching his younger brother. "I slept fine." He pushes off the counter making his way to the table and sitting down across them. "Why are you acting more awkward than normal?" He brings the mug to his lips again, cocking an eyebrow.

Sam coughs again, "Well, if you must know. You forgot to close your door last night, Dean," Sam gives him a pointed look.

He chuckles softly as a grin spreads across his face getting up and grabbing himself a bowl and spoon before striding back over the table. "Oops." He winks at Cas before pouring cereal into his bowl before adding milk. "Why were you around my door anyway, Sammy?" He raises his eyebrows.

"DEAN!!! I wasn't around your door, the two of you were loud enough to be heard all throughout the damn bunker! Is it always like that!?" Sam asks, blushing, the question more rhetorical than answerable.

Dean shrugs shoveling a spoon full of cereal in his mouth chewing thoughtfully. "Did you hear us in the shower or after you left when he was in the angel cuffs?" He cocks an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Are you kidding me!? Jesus, you're like a pair of rabbits. Making up for lost time or something, Dean!? Luckily, I was more worried about Cas and was buried in the books with my earbuds in. I didn't hear you those times. Is this going to become a habit? Should I invest in something more, I don't know, noise canceling?" Sam says, exasperated.

He furrowed his eyebrows setting his spoon down, "Hey hey,  when he was in the cuffs it was for... scientific reasons." He offers before taking another bite of cereal before looking back up to Sam, "but yeah, super noise canceling." He nodded with a grin.

"Scientific reasons? Please enlighten me, oh eldest one," Sam says, sarcasm dripping from his words. He cocks a brow at his brother, awaiting an answer.

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