Chapter 16

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Dean looks down at the sight of his angel, covered in wounds, blood, dirt, and God only knows what else, as tears stream down his face. Kneeling down next to Castiel, his hands cup his bloodied, yet still perfect, face. "No no no, Cas. Come back to me." He pleads, patting the side of his face desperately searching it for signs of life...

Dean's eyes shoot open as he gasps for air grabbing a fist full of blanket. "CAS..." he chokes as a layer of sweat covers his warm skin.

Castiel quickly enters the room, "Dean, are you okay?" He stands by the door, cautious to move in, in case the man needed a moment. The dull light from the hallway illuminated the shine on Dean's skin. The sweat making him seem like some kind of exotic being and Cas suddenly struggles to catch his breath at the sight.

Relaxing slightly at the sound of Castiel's voice, Dean sits up leaning back against the headboard. He sees Cas' backlit silhouette creating an ethereal effect on his angel. His breath hitches at the sight as he attempts to return his already ragged breathing to normal. "Yeah...nightmare." He mumbles, reaching down scooping up a discarded T-shirt off the floor and wipes the sweat off his face with it before tossing it aside again. "Come here." He pats the space on the bed next to him looking at Castiel hopefully.

Cas crosses the room, Dean's request completely unneeded. He would not let him feel any more discomfort after being drawn to it earlier. Taking a seat on the bed, he turns himself to face Dean. Masking the worry he feels, he tries to keep a neutral look, "What was the nightmare about?" Castiel inquires.

Dean smiles weakly letting his head fall back against the headboard. "It doesn't matter, you're here now..." He deflects, not wanting to worry Cas. He reaches out grabbing his hand and laces their fingers together. "That's all that matters." He says, his voice raspy from sleep.

"You should try and get some more sleep. I'll be right here," Cas pulls their hands up to his face, nuzzling the back of Dean's hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you," he whispers absently.

"I know." Dean smiles looking into Cas' blue eyes with love and gratitude. He shakes his head with a grin. "But...I'm not so tired anymore." He scoots down the bed laying on his back before pulling Cas further into the space on the bed so he's laying next to him. The heat from Cas body, now laying next to him causes the dull ache between his legs to harden completely.

Castiel lays on his side next to Dean, his body pressing against the line of the perfect man next to him. "Was the nightmare that bad, Dean? You were only asleep for a few hours. There is still plenty of time before the sun rises. So I recommend you rest," Castiel nods, playing with Dean's hair, his voice resonating comfort and safety.

Dean's eyes close as Cas' hand finds his hair. Soft groans of pleasure vibrate in his chest as a smile of contentment spreads across his face. "I'm good." He mumbles before licking his lips. Running his hand down the curve of Cas' body as it settles on his hip with a light squeeze. He pulls Castiel even closer grinding his erection into his angel's pelvis, a soft moan slipping over his lips.

"Dean," Castiel groans, he body instantly reacting to sudden closeness and Dean's paramour advances. Cas always knew that Dean wasn't the most subtle when it came to showing what he wanted sexually, luckily for Cas it was helpful while he learned what his own body craved and needed. Right now, it needed the elder Winchester. Castiel tightens the grip on Dean's hair, pulling his head back, his blue eyes even with Dean's green ones. "What is it that you want? Tell me," Cas' voice goes husky with demand and need.

Dean's breath hitches at the sound of Cas' voice. He had always liked and enjoyed sex, but Castiel had awakened a hunger in him, a hunger only the angel pressed up against him could satisfy. "Need you..." He mumbles against Cas' perfect, full lips before closing the space between them. He parts Cas' lips with his tongue as he moans into his mouth. "Need all of you...inside me." He sighs before pressing their lips together again. Running a hand down Cas' back, he slips it under the waistband of the sweatpants he's wearing before digging his blunt nails gently into his ass.

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