Chapter 23

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Walking back down the hallway, Sam catches up to Cas, the look on his brother's face still haunting his thoughts. Knowing full well that they have to save Dean, Sam can't help but feel a little scared that the potion might not work. Not many people survive the cure and Dean was one of the lucky ones the last time. The other problem being that this isn't a normal vampire. The potion was changed based on some new information he found in a book, but even then it makes it more unstable. If they lose Dean, it's not only going to devastate him but Cas as well. Sam sighs as he crosses the threshold of the library. He spies Cas standing next to one of the tables, his hands bracing the edge of it tightly. The angel looks shaken, which doesn't happen very often. Sam just shakes his head, making a little prayer in hopes that this works.

Sam enters the library as Castiel stands up, letting his hands fall to his sides. "How is he?" Cas turns, looking at Sam. His eyes haunted.

"He's frustrated and worried. He thinks this isn't going to work," Sam passes on what Dean said as he was leaving the room.

"There is a chance this won't work. We could lose him, Sam," Cas chokes out, "I don't know what I will do if this... if he," Cas' words trail off. He looks down at his clenched hands. Inside he feels like he's going to explode and feels empty at the same time. The dreadful feeling is just too much.

"We can do this, Cas," Sam places the ingredients on the table and begins to go to work. Cas helps as Sam instructs him what to mix, as Sam grinds down the things they need to make the potion. "I just hope we won't have to force this down his throat, Cas," He eyes the angel next to him.

"I'm sure I can persuade him if he starts to fight us," Cas says, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Cas, I've seen too much of the two of you in the past few days, I don't want to think about the two of you anymore, thank you." Sam shivers, prepping the potion bottle and walking back down the hallway towards Dean's room, Cas in tow.

Dean closes his eyes tightly as he tries to block out the Alpha's voice in his head.

"We had a deal, Winchester, I gave up the angel and you are failing at your end of the bargain," The voice snaps. "You WILL take the angel the second you're able and drain him dry." It commands.

"Not gonna happen." He replies as he tries to keep his breathing steady. "I won't hurt him."

"You think you're more to him than a piece of ass, don't you? You think he actually loves you..." The voice cackles, "How cute."

"No..." Dean whispers to the emptiness of the room. He groans as he feels a sharp pain in his gums, causing him to struggle against the cuffs.

"These should make your task easier..." the voice laughs.

Sam walks into the room, seeing Dean struggle in the cuffs. Thinking that Dean is just sleeping, he sets the potion on the desk near the bed.

Castiel follows the younger Winchester into the room, he immediately rushes to Dean's side as he struggles in the cuffs. "Dean, what's happening? Are you okay?" He keeps his distance, not knowing what to expect.

Dean's eyes open at the sound of Castiel's voice. He runs his tongue over his new fangs and lets out an inward moan before turning to Cas and smiles suggestively flashing them. "Hey, good lookin'," He says smoothly in his raspy voice. He bites down softly on his bottom lip slowly looking up and down his angel's body.

Cas tips his head to the side, "this isn't your brother right now..." Castiel straightens up, walking over to the desk. "Dean, are you in there?" Cas asks, firmly.

"If Sam leaves the room... I can be in you, Cas." He chuckles, with a wink. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he arches his back off the bed, pulling at the cuffs. "Unless of course, you wanna be in me, I'm your playground, baby." A sinister laugh vibrates from his chest before turning into a groan, as he throws head back on the pillow closing his eyes tightly. "STOP" he yells hoarsely.

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